As does Timmy and Polecat. Seems to be the highest vote so far, any opposition? Thanks Timmy for bumping. BTW-We only have 1 guy that hasn't checked in: Brandon Kent. I dropped him a pm, and if he's not checked in by EOW, he will be replaced.
Doesn't matter what we call ourselves... The only thing that matters is in the end everyone will be calling us WINNERS....
Alright, I'll drop a message to Fitz to update our team name to "Blood Trail Brotherhood" and the thread title to "Team 3 Blood Trail Brotherhood thread". If anybody wants to come up with an avatar/graphic, feel free. Next orders of business will be: •replace our missing guy, if he doesn't show this week, •get on with the hunting, smack-talk and winning.
Alright fellas, kinda played around a little and came up with these. If you don't like them thats fine because Im by no means anygood at this kinda stuff. If you wanna tweek them in any way feel free.
They both look great, I do like the one in red better. Great job!! Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2
Went ahead and made that my avatar ..looks pretty bad a$$. Never have introduced myself...I work for an electric coop as a journeyman Lineman ( polecat).. I should be able to hunt about every weekend and usually take 1-2 weeks late October early November. I have several pics of some nice bucks...just not any giants yet. Will check cams again this weekend looking forward to meeting everyone and a good season. GOOD LUCK!! Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2
Alright boys time for business. W do we have anyone not signed in? If so need to get with Fitz and get an alternate and get ready to do some kill'n.
My season kicked off today with my 16 year old son and my 13 year old son. They were dragging and by the time we drove to where I wanted to hunt, an oak flood plain, somebody had beaten us to this public spot, so we went to plan B. Hunting some forest, that also has old farm fields which were donated to the National forest. It was a HOT day temperature-wise (94 when we called it for the day). I described to my boys where I wanted them to go in the morning, but they didn't go exactly where I thought they should've, I later learned. I caught up with another guy hiking toward where I was headed and we ended up only about 100-150yds apart. I only caught a glimpse of one (100yds+) this morning that looked like it winded me or the other guy. Me and the boys hiked out around 11 for lunch and compared notes. We met the other guy as we finished lunch who said he saw nothing in the morning sit, but there were some flakes that had wandered off the trails where we in the morning. We decided we would stay to hunt the same forest for the afternoon sit, but in a different area, off the beaten path. We hiked in to this other area I had checked out on the topo map over the summer for just such an occasion. Knowing a front was moving in, with the forecast was calling for violent scattered storms starting around 4pm, the plan was hunt till 4 or first hint of rain, as its about a 1-1.5mi hike out. The plan was to hunt a ridge with diverse characteristics. I dropped the youngest off near some old fields that had a tongue of dense pines that I knew the deer cruised. My 16 year old and I hiked about 1/4 mile more through fields and some briers and I had him sit at the top of the ridge in a hedge row overlooking a narrow field that had a few trees, bordered by an overgrown stream on the opposite side. I continued over a the rise which separated the fields along with some brush, to the next field that had a smattering of low brush, and pines, bordering the same stream. The wind was perfect, running up the ridge on an angle. As we walked out and discussed the afternoon sit, we pieced together our stories and this was how we think it played out. Each seeing, what we believe was, the same 6pt from <10 and up to 30 yds, but none of us having a shot. The youngest was (allegedly) focused looking out into the fields, not on the pines (also allegedly not playing on his iPod). The buck cruised right up behind him, both startled when he looked over his shoulder at ground level only a few yards away---it bolted. The 16yr, who was trying (unsuccessfully) to catch a brief nap, but was startled by a buck as it ran at full bore 15yds from him toward the ridge and stream. I was standing further down the ridge and thought I saw a flicker of white (ears or tail wagging) through some brush near the stream. I grabbed the bow, brought it up but not drawn for about 5 minutes - nothing, put the bow down. Heard a bit of noise, raised the bow again, same thing. As I lower the bow it was like dropping the flag and it was off, never closer than 30 yds to me, but it was 0 to all out and it was gone, just like that. And so was opening day...
m78tm355 checking in! i was on alternate list and just got assigned! been a sotgun hunter since i was 10. now 22 and first year using bow. hunting on private 800 acres in ripley county in Indiana.
Alrighty everyone finally accounted for. Looks like we got a few Indiana hunters here. m78 you lucky enough to be in an urban zone.