cool we were at amarillo for the wrca finals we did drive down through palo duro canyon what an awesome place
Season opener is Monday for us Illinoisans!!! Hope to get out by Wednesday. Waiting on new bow to get here!!
I am an avid (not necessarily good) bicyclist and mountain bike down there all the time....only 14 miles from my doorstep. One of the places I hunt is a tributary finger to the canyon.
Heading out on Wed. morning, it's been tough to get out hunting with work. I have a solid 130" 8 pointer on camera in the daylight.
I am sitting at the Opryland Hotel all week for a conference while all my buddies are hunting in Illinois. I can't wait to get home on Friday and hopefully make it in the stand that evening! Good luck everyone!
if its like its been in kansas your not missin much between the full moon and warm temps im not seein much and if i do theres no bone on its head
Don't feel bad illini!!! My new bow is supposed to be here today and I'm sitting on the couch w bronchitis eagerly waiting for the FedEx driver to show!!! I can't believe it's the first week of the season and not only am I not ready w my equipment but I'm sick!!! EPIC FAIL!!!! On a side note while you're in Nashville if you go to tootsies for live music my x wife will be singing there from Wednesday to Saturday. Stop in and say hi for me! Lmao!!!
Haha! TC3144 that is an awful bummer about waiting on your bow to show up and to top it off you're sick. But on the bright side you could be sick without a bow in the middle of the rut so at least it is the beginning of the season. I will be sure to let her know that you say hi lol. I am hoping to make it over to the Bass Pro this evening and get my hunting fix for the evening. Best of luck to everyone!
Just got the new arrows cut and fit an going to spend the day shooting tomorrow and get her all dialed in. Family fun night at school tonight so no hunting! Wouldn't miss this for my lil girl for anything!!! Thursday it is on!!!
I'm so frustrated. Season has been open here in GA for nearly a month now and I've been covered up with work and homework every weekend. It has to let up at some point....right?
How is everyone's season going so far?? Only two more days until I will be in a stand! I may have to swing by tootsies tonight. I am headed downtown this evening.
5 days into our season and so far I have been able to get a hunt in every evening and two mornings. I am seeing plenty of deer and have passed on three different borderline "shooters" probably upper 20's to lower 30's. Damn trail cameras..I know each property where I have encountered them hold bigger deer so I am passing for time being. But I keep remembering the saying " dont pass up in the first day what you would gladly shoot on the last day". All in all, a good start to the season. I have business and family obligations over the next several days do I am done until Tuesday. Good luck to all of you in the upcoming days.
Story of my life...finally get an afternoon to go and it turns up the heat and it is 80 degrees today!! Oh well. Cold front coming in tomorrow. Hopefully will be a productive couple of days. Good luck everybody!