Got to love it we got two bucks on the board so far! Nice way for our team to start out the season! I went out and checked one of my cameras last night. Got a bunch of does hanging around my tripod. But nothing with any size to it! I am hoping they are walking by the back side of the tree my camera is on haha
[video=youtube_share;U6OUi4ZXP0Q][/video] Went 50 then crashed. Deer don't arrive until 1 min 50 sec.
Oh well. you'll get him!!! Hopefully you get some better pics in the daylight sometime. Good luck!!!!
My wife went tonight had a muzzle loader hunter walk in on her that was confused by a quarter mile about property lines man i hate gun hunters
Here is another decent buck that walked by my camera a couple days ago. Not huge but large enough I would put it on my wall!
[video=facebook;10100902602030320][/video] Here is a short clip of a couple small deer that were running around the water hole that I hunt over!
My season starts Saturday. I've got both these guys travel routes to and from feeding/bedding areas patterned to some degree.. I have pics of both during daylight but most of the pics are during night. I am hoping to get lucky with one or both before hunting pressure drives them even more nocturnal. Deer #1 Deer #2
Does that second deer have any brows? If it doesn't that is a tremendous 6 pointer! Both deer will look fantastic on your wall!