We have some hogs on camera currently, we also have a severe case of EHD. Currently within miles of our ground hopefully are deer make it only time will tell. Over 200 dead in two weeks!!!!!!!
Just got a new property to hunt thanks to my daughter making friends w another 1st grader (guess im raising her to like people w property lol) that is small but holds some good bucks. I just got it so haven't had any cams out but have been seeing some nice ones from the field edge in the binos. Hope to get on them. If not its public land giants for me!
Got to love it when your first grader scores you a property! I have made most of my land contacts through work and close family friends. I am thankful that I've never had to hunt on public land. Jackflap...I do have a buck that needs to be taken out of the gene pool that isn't very large. If he comes by before I manage to shoot a nice one then he will go towards the hunting contest. One side of his rack goes way forward towards his snout and the other curls backwards. He is the only small one on my hit list.
This team rocks out, I will have a hard time keeping up here in Michigan. Not for a lack of deer but big whitetails are a bit scarce. I have been running several trailcams trying to put a few patterns together on a couple nice deer. My boys also started hunting this year so they will be first behind the bow, I cannot wait. Early doe opens in September, I have a feeling that there might be some whitetaills hitting the dirt. This will be fun.
Hey I'm Dana, I am 29 years old, located in Salt Lake City, UT. I have a beautiful and very supportive wife (she was raised in a hunting family ) and i am a father to 3 kids (ages 7, 4, 10 months). So to say the least, i live a very busy and hectic life and enjoy every minute of it. I have been hunting since i was 14, but this is my first year bowhunting. I have found a couple of really nice muley's to go after this year, so i hope to make things happen. My hobbies when i am not working: hanging out with my family, shooting my bow, fishing, watching all the hunting shows i possibly can. I thank the Lord every day for my life, if it wasn't for Him, i don't know where i would be right now. I am very excited to be on this team. I look forward to hearing all the stories of everyone's hunts, I pray that we can all have a very successful and safe hunt. I also pray that we can all put a little meat in the freezers this year. (hopefully some nice big boned buck meat that is!) I hope to use this year as a time to really learn all i can about bowhunting. So i hope you guys don't mind me asking some occasional questions. I wasn't raised by anyone that would teach me how to hunt, but i hope to learn so i can pass it on to my kids.
Dana my kids are almost the exact same age and spacing. 1, 5, 7, and 9. I 100% here you about the busy... And I would not change it for the world. Glad to have you aboard.
BigUTMuleys...its nice to have you on board! There is nothing better than bowhunting and that thrill of having them close enough to shoot and then executing that perfect shot. The very first day I went out bowhunting 10 years ago I killed a coyote on my very first morning. I was telling myself that this bowhunting stuff is easy. Well three years went by until I finally killed my first one with a bow haha, but boy was it rewarding! I didn't necessarily have anyone to teach me the basics, so I messed up quite a few hunts from being young and just not knowing when to draw back, moving too much in the stand...the list goes on and on. As for putting meat in my freezer, I spent 3 hours last friday night cleaning blood out of my freezer that had gone out. I probably lost close to 100 lbs of meat, so I can't wait to get out there and put a deer down!
Here is a picture of the nice buck that is on one of the properties I hunt. I know he isn't huge but this is decent for the area I hunt. This picture was from either late June or early July
That was a very early picture, the deer has surely put on alot of inches since then, hes a mega shooter let the air out of him!!!!
Here he is on August 10th. I need to go back out and check my cameras and see if I have any of him hard horned yet. I saw my first hard horned deer two days ago.
I'm Eric. I'm 23 and live in East Central MN. I'm a recent college grad that hasn't found a job in my field yet, so for now I'm still a carpenter. I just locked down 90 acres of some killer land, no trail cams up yet, but I've been scouting the fields around the property almost every night. I have a nice 8 that will go 140 plus and a 10 that is right around 130 on the list so far. It's been a busy summer to say the least, as I'm just getting around to setting stands this weekend. I struck out big time last year, this year I plan on making it right.
I am hoping all this rain will fill up the water hole that I hunt over. It has been extremely low all summer but it should be busting at the seams now!
I am jealous GABowhunter! Whats the deer size like in Georgia? I am assuming smaller than some of our midwest deer
They are a lot smaller than your Midwest deer. I have a legit chance at an 80" on one of my leases. That's the largest I've seen at my places.
BBlackwelder...Checking IN, sorry guys been real busy getting some new stuff started and work. Great to be part of the team and looking forward to the upcoming season!!!
And with that we are all checked in. EricZ GABowhunter ruttinbucks.com Brian Miller Bblackwelder BigUTMuleys tc3144 Madness ****ie Tunes Kscurhunter illinibowhunter flapjack My season opens on Saturday, when is everyone's opening day?
Team 29, I am part of www.selfilmed.com and we are having a whitetail prize pack give away from Sept, 1,2012 to Sept 30, 2012. Click on the link below and enter into our contest on facebook. Prize pack is worth $2400.00 (DSD BUCK DECOY, Spot Hogg Sight, Winners Choice String, Carter Release, etc...) http://www.facebook.com/SELFILMED?sk=app_143103275748075