The boys got out their racks they have collected over the years here. I'll take photos tonight and post them. They're freakin unbelievable! Sent from my E6782 using Tapatalk
All of the following photos are of bucks taken off the farmer I'm hunting this week. I'm trying to get one close to these. Sent from my E6782 using Tapatalk
3 bucks I shot shortly after Marine corps bootcamp 7 years ago. Too bad I gave them away due to not having anywhere to put them after having to leave again.
Did not make it out this morning went to bed to late. looking to make it out early for an evening hunt though. Really need to connect cause it will be my last hunt for about 7-8 days while i make a trip up to PA.
Missed a 6 pointer this afternoon. Snowing HARD here. Hopefully tomorrow will be my lucky day. You know = the last day, last hour, BIG buck takedown like you see on the TV shows. Sent from my E6782 using Tapatalk
Well I didnt see anything tonight but I did pull the card I had on the tinks mock scrape an here's what I found. Some young ones but they may have some potential in the future. I was really surprised how quick they picked up on the tinks im starting to believe I guess.I hope I get a big one on camera soon. I have never used this product so I was really surprise.
Snow on the ground and tracks all around the stand. I'm killing me a deer today! Sent from my E6782 using Tapatalk