Fitz, you fixing all the avatars? Troy, keep on those bucks! Youngfart, it was probably meant to be that you did not hunt this past week. Your reward is coming in the form of a huge chocolate racked 10 point! Dan, I sent you a PM for that mapping software. Thank you!
I already did, they have replaced the older ones in post #50..***&p=336234#post336234
Dan, thanks for signing me up! I noticed the mispelling a while ago, never thought anything of it, lol. Troy, that boy is a stud! Good luck with him and your WA hunt
Hey guys, For those of you who are going to try out our journal I have a couple of tips to get you going: 1. When you login you will be directed to your account home page where you can enter names and coords of treestands and trail cameras. On the right hand side you will see two boxes. The top one will say "View, Search, Edit Hunts" and it has a drop down menu. The drop down will have 3 choices, your hunts, North American Database and Team DeThrone. Your Hunts will be empty until you enter some hunts (feel free to enter hunts from years past), but the other two catergories will have data in them. 2. The North American Database has some anonymous information from every hunt that is entered by any user of the journal. It is intended to give all hunters a large database to research certain tendencies deer have, or data relative to a certain area of the country. 3. The Team DeThrone database will have all of our hunts in it. Anything any of us enters will be stored in this database. It can only be accessed by us. Right now you can go in there and try out the searching and sorting capabilities, because all my hunts from last year and a bunch from 2005-2009 are in there as well. 4. Any mapping that you do or any information you put in about your treestands or trail cameras CAN NOT be seen by anyone but you!! In the listings of our hunts in the "Team DeThrone" database it will show the name of the treestand if you choice to see it, but no location information. 5. The second box That I mentioned above in #1 is the "Enter a New Hunt" button. This is where you will enter all of your observations. If you choose to put in the weather conditions, we have provided a link to the historical weather data provided by Weather Underground. They have very detailed hourly information that can be used for your hunts. I always tell people to fill in as much info as possible, because you never know what piece of information is going to help you get in the right place at the right time someday. That is enough for now. I don't want to make this sound complicated, because it is not. We used my dad as our tester while we developed this journal. He uses his email and dumps pictures from his trail cams and that is about the extent of his computer know-how. If he could use the journal than we built it right. After the first year he had almost twice as many entries as I did. Give it a try! Thanks Dan
Heading out tonight after work! Pack is loaded, camo ready, arrows spun, and after 18 straight days of building/tuning bows and cutting arrows I'm ready for a break! Looking to knock down 50 points for us tonight.
I live in one of three Virginia counties that have an early season doe archery period in September. Ut oh, it opens today. I will be in the woods from 5pm-dark. KILL!
Got it. I will get you set up in a few minutes. You will get an email from me with some startup info. Thanks Dan
Gettin my A-hole kicked in KY!!! Its 101 degrees and only 1 of 3 shooters were on camera. The one that has been the most distant is showing up the most, so we are doing a hang and hunt on him tonight!
Well I put out my 3rd camera and checked my other two this afternoon. Good news, the Bladed 10 is alive and well! It was hard to tell at first, but his palmated left G2 makes him stick out... I'm excited to be chasing another buck that I have a history with. Pics & video of him all last year. Only saw him on the hoof once at 80 yds. He picked me off digging through my pack from across the beaverdam. We'll see how it goes this year :D
Nothing tonight! Too dry for stalking, ended up blowing one try. Saw two bucks, biggest pushing 110"..maybe. All in all, great day back in the mountains!