Troy, you are a stronger man than I. If a cow gets in front of me I'm going to take her. Fiance wants meat this year not horns... More time for a buck! Have you got anything real promising on cameras this year? haven't seen much from you.
Nothing fancy for video, just what came on the Acer. I have Adobe CS4 (Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.) for photo/design. My major when I was in college (5.5 yrs) was Graphic Design, no degree, but the skills come in handy all the time Jack of all trades, master of none!
Fitz Can you download just a single avatar with my logo,I keep getting all of them in the choose site when I click on the logo . Thanks Rocky
I'll do that as soon as I get back home. I has to drive to Rochester today to help my sister unload a uhaul.
Howdy howdy team, its late in your necks of the woods but us Western guys.. get to snoop around the site when everyone else is sleeping! ... had to skip hunting today, my boy had a football game, we had a blast! My little guy got a pick in the first quarter... He was pumped... Ok, I will be in stand before daylight (thursday morning) 3 hours to hunt before I have to bail to work for 1/2 day then I will be back in stand in the evening.. Hoping to catch a velvet buck still! Peace Brothers! If I kill one I will text ya !
Good luck BC, hope you drill one right off the bat. Slow morning for me, got poured on! Back after it this afternoon!
Fitz Got it ,thanks. Man did I blow it today. Buddy phoned me tonight and was whispering to me. I said what's the problem and he said he thought I was on stand? Why did you ask that? He said it opened a week early this year? Da! I could have been in a stand already???? What's wrong with this picture? Well anyway's I'm off tomorrow for 4 days of fishing and camping with my kids and there kids for one last family camp trip. Should be a blast, now I'll have in the back of my head what stand I could be sitting in today?? LMAO That's a 1st! will be out next week for some evening hunt's. Wonder how Troy is doing tonight, must be gutting one and dragging it out of the forest right about now if I know him. Any one else hunting yet ? Rocky
No Prob Y-fart! Bummer that you missed out on the real opener, but hey, there are many days left. I hope Troy is busy dragging something right now
A special message from Team 22: [video=youtube_share;4QrjTjWicxY][/video] Smack talk aside, I really wish you boys a good season. Some good eggs on this team, and I'd love to see each and every one of you fellas finish out 2011 with a hefty taxidermy bill. Troy, if you shoot something, I better get a text message!
Quick You make me split a gut,LMAO, That was a classic, you must have nothing but time Quick, I've seen you in a few different team threads already causing a stir. LOL . Keep at it bud good entertainment!! Rocky
HILARIOUS This year coud be a really fun contest. I will make it my goal to shoot a rabbit. I almost never see them while hunting, but if I do, it's dead.