I still Have a buck tag! Hunted all weekend seen alot of does and had a real nice buck in the field about 30 minutes of shooting light but never could get him close.Be out again next weekend!
All right boys, I'm back in town! Mexico was great. I didn't do a damn thing except eat, drink, swim, & play volleyball. So nice to be on the other side of a resort We came home to no water. Seems the heater in the pump room is on the fritz, line and tanks we froze solid. Got them thawed lastnight with a Mr. Heater (no leaks!) but it need to replace the original heater and the pressure switch today. Looks like it might be a day or two before I go out with thte bow, but I have until New Year's Eve. At some point today I'm going to go pop a hole in the ice and see where we are at. I know I'll be able to walk across, but it'd be nice to have the option of a wheller or skidoo.
Fitz Welcome back to the fold & cold and gloom of winter bud .What was the temps difference from there to where your at when you got home? When I went a few years back it was +34 & when we got back it was -36 here and I had shorts on,LMAO. Good luck on the lines not blowing out after the freeze & thaw bud. Ice should be about 7 inches thick by now too. Now get after Blade! Rocky
I got about 30 head of elk that are really starting to bug me! LOL ... once again the whole herd comes rolling into one of my best whitetail bedding/feeding areas (all inclusive) big brushy timbered mountainside and do you think a big buck is gonna hang out with those noise, stinky big ungulates....Nope.. I can not believe how many elk I have had at my stands this year.. sick of these suckers messing up my whitetail hunting! LOL ... I had 5 of them bedded within 30 yards of my stand yesterday.... I am gonna start packing my sling shot and shooting them to run them off.. almost threw pinecones at them yesterday.. they are worse than cattle... Ok I am done ranting.. Back at it again this week.. starting Tuesday afternoon. I am off from DEC 16th until Jan 3rd to get some hardcore late season freeze my butt off sits in!
Troy Lay another one of those Idaho big mountain bucks to rest my freind and stay warm, I am, LOL. Roll Over Rock
LOL Troy! Those dang elk! Well fellas, I think after this weekend I'm just about ready to close the book on my year. I'm gonna take one more trip to Ohio Saturday, then after than I'm not real sure how much effort I'm gonna put into getting out anymore. 5 deer in the freezer thanks to a good gun season. Gonna spend some time relaxing and probably doing some home improvement projects. I'll keep cheering you guys on who are still hunting.
Smoke one more doe this weekend Ryan! I am like you..full freezer.. but got tags left...good luck in Ohio.
An old friend showed up on trail cam.. This is a buck I passed on in 09 in the late season as a 3.5 yr old, got real close to killing last year in the late season and he's back this year as a 5.5 year old. I found his left side shed last year. Say hello to Split 6. He is a big bodied 6x6 brute. His lft side shed from last year scored 69 and change ..
Sorry for not checking in very regularily lately. I still have my buck tag and a doe tag. I will get out one a few more times over New Years weekend. It has been a rough year for me so far, but hopefully the end will turn things around. I will try to at least put a doe down. A lot will depend on the weather. Around here a late season hunts depends a lot if it is cold and snowy. If is it I have a fighting chance, if not it will be tough.
Fitz, Evil Genius Guys, Rutin said he got his video back today and will be entering his 130ish buck soon! That means......it is up to you guys to get it done. Seriously, we are so close.
Well I put one of my cameras back out across the lake. The bike ride was great! It will replace the canoe as my stealth transport until we get too much snow Not sure if I'm going to stuff a pack or pull a slead behind, but I'm gonna try and head out tomorrow night. Saw some wolf tracks on the the lake. 4 wolves, two looks like this years pups and one had some size to it. There were a number of deer tracks in the woods, two sets were pretty big.
No Joke ... he only shows in the late season and on the apple trees.. I put out a gaggle of trail cams this summer to try and locate his core area...to no avail but hey, I know where he likes to be come Dec!