Congrats to you too Rocky, I don't know how I missed not seeing yours last night! We are putting em down fellas! Yinz are gonna make me late season archery hunt for a doe if this thing is close ain't ya?
Rocko! way to go my friend ! very nice.. team 28 is on the move! I will shoot a doe late season guys when I go to Montana..or possibly Idaho.. Hey this thing ends Mid Jan? right.. once again big congrats Rocko! I am posting up a quick write up and more pix of my buck this morning.. GO TEAM 28!
Thanks bro... dressed out hanging with the hide on him.. 209lbs ... so he was walking around at about 230-240
Will you must be headed to the west side for blacktail? Very cool, good luck brother. Yeah my elk hunting was the same.. last week of Sept before they even started rocking. Bucks here are really on the move, saw one on my way to work and home yesterday both ... cruising for chicks..
Well it was 5 degrees this AM! (-15 for you Rocky ) So I went grabbed an axe and checked the ice today... 3" With the cooler temps, including our first shot at sub-zero temps Thursday night, I think I'll get a chance to cross the lake before the season is out! The good news is another shot @ Blade, the bad news is the 2 mile walk there. Now let see if we can avoid any big snowstorms that would hinder the ice.
Bad News For Alberta I was talking to the game warden today and they did a count and just got it back on the whitetail heard in Alberta. Due to the last winter of cold and deep snow the whitetail herd has suffered greatly by losing as much as 60% of the Alberta herd! I've had ton's of guys asking me weekly what I thought of the hunting situation here and I always responded by saying I really haven't noticed a whole lot other than doe's with out fawns. All my target bucks were alive and well into October. What a drag though, I'll have to see how they do this winter, I have this weekend to get a doe,3 more all day sits guys. Thanks for the kind words WIll ,Troy and VS and the rest of you's. VS I hunted the same 1/4 except on the opposite side of the 1/4 ,LMAO your a funny guy. Rocky
Sorry Guys It scored a few inches less than I thought, Final score was 125 4/8 and it's posted in the scoring thread Fitz.Put up another antlered head in your signature bud Rocky
Good Job everyone! I wish I had more slots to fill with points... sucks being done Great time of the year to scout now, however. Going into Troy status and heading into a spot in the hills 2 miles deep tomorrow.
Burglar out of nowhere with the doe kill! Congrats man. Add in Rutin's 130 inch buck and we are up another 180 points with Burglar's doe. Man this is close guys. We need more KILLS!
Shadow, I held back our attack dog long enough. You know why your wolves are always running? They "FEAR the RUBY". Attack girl, get'em. I call her my hairy girlfriend)) She eats wolves for dinner and yotes for snacks, I am sending her your way Shadow))) Dave