VG I'm not one to cause a ruckus, but that dang dog runs the deer and when she said I was a killer, that probably means she's a PETA member. I'd just rather move and not have to worry about her or her hubby stealing my stand thinking they'll show me, Guys have said they were going to shoot her dog if it kept up screwing there hunts! The hill is only 30 yards away and it'll hide me from there eyes. Better safe than sorry huh! That's just me! Not one to raise a stink. Rocky
I agree with the move if it is only 30 yards away. GOOD luck and you will probably kill the biggest buck of your life tomorrow! You can subliminally thank that lady tomorrow after a 175 inch 12 point dies from your arrow!
congrats on the Buck BC! talked to my neighbor today and they have no problem with me hunting there land! went in and moved my stand to where I think a bedding area is. so maybe ill get some action out there this week.
Sean, outstanding news! Go get em this week. Do you have a map of the property? Maybe we can all look it over to put our heads together on some potentially good spots. GOOD luck!
Big old hoss mountain buck down for team 28, all on film, God is good tired here... more pix, story/details to come in the a.m.
Troy!! Your the man! Can't wait to see more pics and the measurements! When are you heading over here for your doe hunt? Fairly slow now, waiting on more snow so I can hit my spot and stalk areas.
thanks guys...busy here at work.. hope to get it up.. if not, will do this evening! very rewarding hunting.. awesome big woods rutting action on film..
Can't wait to see the video Troy! I got home last night from our cabin in WI. Feels good to be home. Don't know if I'll get out in the woods this week or not. Weds, would be the last day I could, giving me time to butcher if I was successful. Friday it's down to Minneapolis for an early flight Saturday. I'll be getting my cameras back out for sure though I'm off to butcher my WI deer now.
Well my wife talked me into taking one afternoon off and going out to dinner with the family, I think I better do so, I will get on this evening and post up the story and some pix. Man I am ready to get after them as they are JUST starting to work does here... extreme late rut this year.. This week is gonna be awesome hunting, next couple weeks.. should be. working on Idaho tags now.. that was an northeastern wa. buck.
Troy, Yesterday, while Colby and I were driving home from Scottsbuff, Nebraska, a big buck had a doe frozen between him and the south bound lane of I-25. He was perched on top of a hill. If he would have had one of those bubble captions over his head, it would have said, "Babe, it's me or the highway!". It was both cool and funny to see. I noticed the elk rutting activity was about two weeks late also. Good luck in Idaho. I'm leaving Thursday for Washington State. I hope to see some of that late rutting myself. I'm ready to stick a blacktail.
Got one Today Too Will score him tomorrow,I need to get hin skinned and hung, for a week before I butcher him, then it's of to the hot tub,Dang 1/2 mile drag uphill. The farmer came as I was at the bottom of the last hill and said ,looks like i got it ,no need for me then huh! Get your hasss back here I said. I would not have made it up, I was totaly spent. LOL Main frame 4x4 with some kickers making him 6x5 .Ruff score guess 130
OK Rocky! What a really nice buck buddy. Thank that mean old hag of a bombshell that cursed you out the other day for putting you on that buck...hahahaha. You hunted hard for that buck and I am extremely happy for you. OK boys, were are closing in towards the top. Man we need that video from Rutin to count and we will be dang near 900-950 points once BC's, Sheds, Rutin's and YF's bucks get counted. If we had a couple more does we would be in the lead.....time to KILL some more boys and we will overtake team 6! KILLLLLLL
Was that a flash in the rear view mirror? There it was again... Keep coming Team 28. Team 6 would love the competition! Rockkstar, you are my hero! Congrats my friend. I truly wish everyone really knew how much time you put into this deer hunting thing. And to do it where you're a stud! You set the bar my friend, you set the bar! Thanks for keeping my stand warm! LOL...