DRAW some blood this week guys! We are so darn close to making a serious move on the top spot. I can feel it in my aging bones BOYS@!
OH yeah!!!!!! BC, I knew your luck would change man. VERY good, I can't wait to see pics. NOW all we need is Rutin to put up the video of his buck, add in a doe or two (maybe 1 buck), and we are right there.....come on guys, start the rally cry!
Thanks guys. He's nothing special, smaller 2x3. But a solid 50 points none the less. I would have liked to hold out for a bigger buck, but season ends in 6 days and my fiance is getting an itchy trigger finger. 35 yard shot. Entered in front of near shoulder exited behind far shoulder. Top of heart and both lungs, ran 30 yards. Will get pictures up in a few days. Good luck to the rest of you!!
Shed, My issue is I only own 6.5 acres. There are no deer bedding on it, they just transit on it. I want to get over on my neighbors land, but they are never home and I won't trespass on it. They don't hunt but it's only right to get their permission. Once I get it I can see things looking up for me. BC Congrats man! How far does the put us out of first?
Backcountry Congrats on the buck and you must be glad you hung in there too, better than tag soup. Now you can concentrate on the lady's tag. I have 5 full day sits left and I just got the majic solution in the mail today to drive the male's with all the horn to come a checking what's a smellin, LOL. Not sure if I'll pass any more bucks under 130 anymore! I just have a great feeling one of my target bucks are going to finally give me a shot oppertunity. Time will tell,dang it too,I need a doe to give me a shot also. They've been getting bye with out me even drawing my bow. Nock down a bruiser Troy. To those who haven't filled their tags, hang in there and commit to getting it done,WILL POWER to stay on stand. We can get to the top. Yeah team#28. Been sick since last Tuesday and am feeling better now,throat is still sore,praying for full healing so that I can stay on stand all day Saturdy & Sunday. Be safe guys & God Bless. Rocky
Congrats BC! I will be leaving for Nebraska Thursday morning 8hr drive should be able to hunt the evening, Then it will be all day sits Fri., Sat. and a morning hunt for Sunday hopefully a shooter will walk thru, but if they don't by sat. evening i will shoot a smaller buck. Not sure if i will be able to make it back up after this weekend so i will try and kill something! LOL There is 1 large buck I am hoping will come thru, He is pushing 170 the farmer has seen him lately so hopefully he did not get taken out over the last few days of gun season! Good luck to everyone and Happy Thanksgiving!
Congrats on the buck BC! Looks like I should get out a few mornings over the holiday weekend and maybe an evening for our doe only season that's in. Took the dog out for a walk last night in the dark & counted 9 sets of eyes in the woods behind the house! Granted the deer may all be nocturnal at this point, but that was encouraging to see. Good luck everyone, keep at it.
Hey guys, It has been awhile since I have been on here. Nice job to everyone who has killed one in the last couple of weeks. My week long hunt ended without a kill, but I did see a couple of good ones and a guy that was hunting on our place shot a monster. It is a 17 pointer with a split droptine. It green scored right around 175 and was aged at 5.5 years old. I was glad to see him get it. He is a super good guy and has bowhunted a long time. He said that not even in his wildest dreams did he ever think he would shoot something like this. The funny part was I was going to hunt that stand that afternoon (he didn't know it), but let him have it when he mentioned wanting to try that area. He wasn't in the stand 5 minutes and already had shot him. When he first saw him he reached for his bow and realized he hadn't pulled it up yet. I will post some pics of it and of a 13 pointer I got on a trail cam checking out the willow tree I put in the middle of a food plot. I am going to try to get out this weekend depending on the weather. Maybe I can get something for the scoreboard.
We WILL have another buck and doe down by the end of the weekend. I can feel it! Rutin, post up that video man so we can get those 130 points. We are getting there guys. Good luck Shed and Rocky....I know things are starting to heat up for you guys in the deer woods.
Good News 4 Me Boss felt sorry for me becuase last week during my holidays I was sick 4 of the 5 days ,he actually allowed me 2 more days off ! I'll be on all day sits starting Friday till Monday night. The the following Friday and Saturday and Sunday I'll be off also. Season is over after that. Taking it down to the wire here fellas. Dang my boss ,sure surprised me with the offer. Temps are high for this weekend,so staying power should be not a problem . Come on Troy,let's see if we can put tags on 2 wall hanger''s before the end off next weekend of Dec 5th. For me I'll need 2 does too! Actually next weekend is the biggy for me as the 2nd rutt will have the big boys out seaching for the remaining unserviced does! This is the best time that I have seen and had shot opertunities at the big fellas in the past 7 years. Keep at er guys and remember it's will power that keeps us aloft in our stands in the sub zero weather when we could be in a warm bed . Be safe and God Bless Rocky
Troy and Rocky... It's up to you boys! I know there is a giant North Idaho mountain buck and a heavy bodied north woods Canadian stud waiting for you guys!
FITZ, excellent man! Keep on hunting buddy, you are starting to heat up.... Rocky, that is fantastic news and your boss sounds like a great guy. Those extra days are stacking the odds in your favor. Put a big old Canadian buck down.
Fitz Congrats on the rifle buck, when do you come back for the rest of your bow season? Who beside's Troy, myself and Fritz have buck tags to fill and better yet, who is still hunting? Rocky
Thanks guys! Rocky, I'm back home Sunday night. I need to butcher my deer and thaw a frozen waterline when I get there. I'll hunt some next week, but not much. I leave next Friday for a week in Mexico. So basically I have the last 3 weeks of Dec to get it done. I hope I can get on a good buck right away, otherwise I'll take one more doe instead. There are a couple of forks and a small 6 around, but they are safe from me this year.
Wow Is about all I can say about this mornings hunt! Got into my stand by 7:15 and had a button buck come into my scent bombs at 8:05 and hit all 3 bombs. Was to dark I'm not a 100% sure it was a button buck but I had 5 bucks in all come bye before 9:20. I rattled at 9:30 then I heard the faint sound of foot steps just to the south of me where the houses are. Down the hill comes this beagle that chases all the deer every time he's out,then down comes the owner. A blonde bomb shell,I had to take another look to make sure LOL. She starts scanning the area and then locks onto my area and the beagle comes under the fence and right to the bottom of my tree and starts barking at me. What happened next blew me away ,never had this happen to me ever by anyone! She yelled over to me and said get the hell out of here before I call the cops! You Fn idiot,do you think you can just come and hunt on fn private property any fn time you want?. I said just hold it a minute I and 5 other people have permission to hunt on here for the last 9 years, I can give you the owners name and number if you'd like to call her? She said fu, I'm going to get the cops and write down you fn licence number, I said go for it,your entitled to that info and she said with the finger above her head as she walked away to her house, you f off ass wipe!!! Tell me, has anyone ever had this happen to them? Wowzer is all I can say, I pulled my stand and will move over the hill out of her vision. To bad it's a hot spot for big bucks. I pulled it due to I don't want to cause havoc between owners and others who back on to the 1/4 section,better to keep the friction down. I left and hunted a section that kitty corners it and got in my stand and the winds kicked up to 90kms and I was hanging on for an hour and decided I better get down before I get blown out of the tree and it almost happened as I stepped of the stand onto the pegs and a gust came up and I held on for deer life,no bull either. That ended my day at 1:15 and right now the winds are gusting to 80 and it's 4:05 . Man I can't win,oh yeah those 5 bucks were all danks,best was a 3x3 maybe score 80. 6 days to go!
Rocky, I am sorry that happened to you buddy. Talk to the owner and if he/she is ok with you hunting there, keep at it. If it is a big buck area, screw that lady. Now you tell HER that you will call the cops on her dog for running on private property, disrupting a lawful hunt, and for her trespassing on private property and disrupting a lawful hunt. MAYBE she let her dog out on purpose, just maybe.....or maybe that is just the cop in me. lol