Good luck at the Chicken Farm Rocko! I slipped out after work for a 1.5 hour sit. Promising. 2 bucks and a couple does.. one buck was a nice 4x4... 3.5 year old. Good to see them up on their feet moving. Man I wish I had a doe tag! Had the girls real close 5-10 yards for 20-30 minutes...The best is yet to come out WEST! Big cold front and snow storms headed my way... Good luck boys my whitetail season is just starting!
Sean you hunting today? I went out this morning, now with daylight savings time in place I can hunt for 1 hour before work. Right behind my home. I didnt see any big bucks but I did get to watch a group of elk feed. It's go time here! I am back out in stand again after work today, can't wait. Big snow storm rolling in this evening.
Shed, Yeah I'm out right now. Had to lay out more corn a pull my as cards. Haven't seen anything yet, but the day is young. I wish we had elk in MD! I'm thinking about doing an elk trip next season.
Back Well my all dayer ended up being till 1 and I was chilled out again. Might have to pack it in,tomorrow and Saturday are snow and -27 and -25. The bucks were up and running this morning and they were making scrapes again,had a fork horn in at 8:05 then I rattled at 8:30 and a great 5x5 150 came in. I drew and held for 3 minutes and let off. He decided to turn the wrong way instead of my way. I stopped him twice with bleats and a grunt. He had his mind set and left. I rattled again at 9:30 and in came another 120 buck, if he had his opposite antler he woo uld have been good enough for me for the meat and to get me out of going anymore. That was it and I pulled my SD card and camera only to see the owner and his wife were posing for pictures, LMAO, no wonder nothing hit the scrape. I got 8 more full days to get it done and I will probably not make most of those all dayer's. Bucks are going to be up steady for the next 5 days and I have to work Friday,so that get's rid of one -27 day. Troy How do you get to sit for an hour before work when the sun don't come up till 8:15? Isin't school in by 8:30? And during the week it's dark by 5:15,how do you get in a stand for any sunlight for the evening? You either have a stand behind the school or I'm missing something ,LMAO good luck my friend .
Rocky, what ya think I am bull****ting? But since you asked, I will explain. It gets daylight here at 6:15 ... I crawl into my stand close to my house at 6. I can sit till 7:15. I dont starting teaching class until 9:00 a.m. I dress in my school cloths then put my camos over the top so I can literally slide my clothes off and I am dressed for work. I jet to town to work. I have 1st hour prep. Which means I dont teach a class.. Its nice timing for me hunting for 1 hour in the am this time of year. It gets dark here at 5 pm .. right now. I am done teaching at 2:30 ... But I have a team teacher that lets me slip out of PE class early this time of year to hit the tree stands.. a couple times a week during the week. even without that..I can still get home and hunt for 1 hour behind my house.. before dark... Yup I can and do actually hunt in the a.m. and pm daily if I chose too during the work week... I did this morning.. passed up two bucks.. both 2.5 year olds.. one at 15 yards the other at 40...
Legal sunrise here was around 7, which means legal shooting started around 6:30. Missouri's sunrise and sunsets go off the Navy Master Clock. They have a section to see specifics for your exact area. Missouri Agents will go out and tail hunters waiting to see if they break this law. They also like to setup the deer decoy for poachers. Unsure of the legalities in your area but better safe than sorry.
Troy I was wondering because we up here have daylight saving time, that kicked in a week ago and now I go to work in the dark and come home in the dark, 1st light is 8:05 and last light is 4:50 and losing 2 minutes a day of daylight. Our kids up here go to school at 8 and so the teachers are there by 7am and school get's out at 3:30 ,so the average teacher stays till 4pm. Never intended for the bashing if that's how you took it bud. Not intended it that way at all, sorry if you took it that way. You got a great bunch of people who cover for you,that's a blessing bud, good luck the rest of the way my friend. Roll Over Rock
Major hiccup in my plans. The island I have been hunting is usually very quiet, only me hunting. There have been more jump shooters and other bow hunters than I have ever seen out there, this year. Yesterday I had a guy literally set up a blind 100 yards from me. Pulled stands, moving somewhere new. Luckily the rut action has just nearly started here in MT. May have to rely on late season snows to push the hunters out and the deer together.
Good work Fitz. Seems like a blast at your hunting camp. BC, perservere and score buddy! This whole ordeal for you might just be something special....always glass half full man. I know you are going to adapt and KILL!
Fitz Congrats on the doe and congrats to your cousin on the buck. I might get out for an evening hunt on Sunday if it warms up was -39 Saturday,coldest place in Canada,go figure,sheeze VG I could have used your Body suit LOL! Rocky
Cool Fitz! As for me I traded in my bow for a 7mm mag & went bear hunting yesterday. I came SO close to dropping my 1st bear. I just could not get a clear shot. If he stops anywhere than exactly behind this clump of trees, he's a dead bear. It was pretty exciting none the less. Good luck to all you guys still hunting.
well guys its been pretty uneventful on my end over the last week... only thing i have been seeing is some fawns, no bucks or big does. They are all staying out at night, and in my front yard at 10:10pm every night. I wont be out again until Thanks giving day. so maybe my luck will change between now and then. Fitz, Congrats on the doe man
Heading back out to a section of Private, with a buddy. Been getting a real solid mid to high 120's clean 4x4 on camera. Really hoping to get a chance at him. But, with just a few days left over here, anything decent enough is getting a serious look.
Good luck out there guys. Day two of the rifle hunt was cold & uneventful. After close scrutiny, we concluded that my cousin's buck is not the big 8 we're after. So the hunt for our target two is still on. Cousin's buck again Targets. Big 8 & King. I thought this was cool from my doe...
Hey guys, hope all is well. Living in the woods right now, was Fri,Sat,Sun.. Traveling an hour and 2 hours to and from stands...burning the candle at both conferences all day today..then back at it in the A.M. Its go time right now. I have seen bucks on every sit since Fri. With 800.00 in buck tags in my pocket, I am getting a little itchy, 1s, 2s and 3 yr old bucks are moving really good now and the best is yet to come. Hoping to drill an old dude. Jumping back and forth from Idaho and WA.. (wa. thurs) Rocky no worries bro, kill a monster Alberta buck ! B/C good luck. What you did for those people, you were put there for a reason, trust your heart. Sweet Rybo! kill a big ole YOGI! Fritz, nice work CAPTAIN! Sean, keep after 'em you may need to move in closer to where they bed up. ??? I will surface again if I draw some blood this week! Best wishes to all, hunt hard, stay safe.