Soooo.... im gonna start out by saying sorry guys! I shot a decent buck in IN this week and when I took my pics I didnt even think about my bow. I just drug him out into a foodplot field and snapped some off and got back to the house bc it was sooo cold. Unfortuantly the pressure is on now in OH and I have to get one down and pose with the bow. He was a 130" 9pt and would of been good for point but i fugged up! Ive got the next week off so I gotta make something happen to rebound....
Two bucks down, I love it guys!! Congrats Rutin Not sure if you saw it in your thread, but the video you took may suffice for entry in the contest... if not, no big deal though. Sounds like my dad and I are headed across the lake tonight. He want's to pull his Lund tomorrow. This most likely will be my last trip to the beaverdam. I'm gonna pull my LW & trail cams at the end of the hunt. I hope Blade shows for our last date!
GUYS, take two pics of your deer with your bow. If you have this Rutin, this will work....I saw this on your other thread: "I do have video of the hunt and shot so I dont know if that helps any. If not I will just have to kill a bigger OHIO buck." I am waiting on my friend to send me the pics of my buck to my email. After that I will post them up. I killed an average 2.5 year old 6 point for my area. Maybe 75-80 inches. I was down to my last day and hunted less than 30 hours total on public land before I killed him this morning.
Ruttin & VS Congrats fellas,paid off huh VS? Persitance and time on stand ,time wil always get ya! Good on ya VS,nothing like taking it down to the wire bud,glad you got him. Now it's my turn to take it to the limit,LOL. Wife asked me real nice tonight to take the day off tomorrow,I did so, so down to 4 full day sit's. Today wasn't to bad ,only fell asleep at 4 for a brief minute till I heard the snap of a twig behind me. Then all hell broke out, I heard this most erie sound behind me and I thought it was the kids playing on the back of there acreage.Not so as she came out with the Cow Moose call and starting toward me crashing all the way then stopped at 90 yards. Was rubbing my hands to get her to close the deal so I can fill the freezers, then out of the corner of my eye I see movement toward her, big buck big buck is all I could say. Grabbed the bow and got ready and then he came in veiw of the moose and they stood like that for the next hour.Here I am trying to figure out which one to shoot, they were both at 60 yards and I needed either of them to move ten more yards for a clear shot as light was fading fast.Gosh darn what ever,neither made the move. All in all was the best day on stand this year. Saw a total of 6 bucks and 6 does and one moose,average that out and you get just a little more than one animal per hour,just enough to keep me glued to the bush.I drew on the one button buck thinking it was a doe,then I noticed the buttons just under the hair line. Thought he looked a little young with a big body.So one button buck one 2 point spike ,one 2x1 spike one 180 class buck and one no see him buck that I caught only from the rear end as he turned away from me after me watching the doe get pushed out of the bed. Two 120ish class bucks that I let walk, and 6 does ,all were by them selves and weren't being pushed or followed by bucks. I think the rutt will kick in with in the next few days. Had fresh snow for the 1st time and what a blessing it was.The buck that I missed seeing also just pushed her out of her bed but didn't pursue her,that's why I missed seeing him . Good luck to those whom are hunting tomorrow nd be safe. Rocky
Thanks Rocky, I appreciate it. Alright guys, we should be over 600 points after Rutin posts up the video of his buck kill. We ARE closing in quick on the top of the competition. KILL, take two photos of deer with your bow, enter...WIN!
Congrats on the bucks guys! Hopefully rutin's video gets counted, because shooting a 2nd buck I'm pretty sure will not count. I had a rough weekend in Ohio. Bagged a short morning hunt today and most likely not making the drive tomorrow. I have to re-evaluate my approach over there. Yes there are big deer, but a 1.5 hr+ drive to hunt them does not appeal to me in the least bit. But if it's not a total down pour tomorrow I'll be out local trying to smack another doe.
Hey guys, It seems my bucks have become Night walkers. Haven't seen then in a few days, only getting pics of them at night. I'm keeping the faith hoping one of them will turn up. Also Congrats to you guys that have put some deer down in the last few days.
Alright, here's the plan. My dad pulled his boat this afternoon and is going to put it in our neighbor's storage garage in the far back corner of their property. I'm going to drive ahead of him in the golf cart and use his noise as cover to set up along a snowshoe trail we have cut nearby. I'm hopiong that there will be a buck hanging with all the does in that area. With any luck they will all filter by on their way down to the lake
LOL FITZ, Same here didnt see anything tonight, and this morning all i saw was 2 fawns and a doe(out of range). Its been really warm here the last few days, but looking to cool down starting weds. im sure ill start seeing the bucks moving again then.
Keep at it hard guys, the time to KILL is now! Let nothing walk through your bow range without at least getting a stern look! hahaha
Well, tonight will be my last bowhunt until the Monday after Thanksgiving. I was trying to decide if I wanted one more shot across the lake or if I should stick to this side and hope something is cruising with the does here. ... I owe the stealth canoe one more trip. But, I think I'm going in deep to the backside of the old beaver pond. West wind might just work for an ambush on the creek crossing there. My brother has a tree he sits in for rifle season there, but he didn't make it up this year (new baby). The yellow dots are when I've been hunting & the red is where I'm thinking of going. I know it's think in there, but I'd like to give it a shot. Worse case, I can't find a suitable tree and a back out to the beaver dam.
So i just walked to the end of my drive way to get my mail, as im walking back up the drive way i here some noise in the woods to my left. I stop and look over to check it out and guess who is standing there staring at me? My 8 point at 10 yards! all i can think at this moment is damn i wish i had my bow right now, and you F'ing deer love messing with us hunters!!!!!! Well i hope i see him later this week!
Well, had a gun in hand on saturday morning, saw loads of turkeys and only one stinkin deer. If I have some time off work this week i will take both my bow and gun. I def will this weekend!
Morning Sit I didn't even get seated and the chasing started already. A little to the north of me,I couldn't shoot then anyways. Nice way to start the am off though,got the ole blood running too! 8:05 and in comes a doe from the area the sound was happening. She stops and looks back and then she bolts right by me.I couldn't even get drawn, LOL. So I keep looking to the north and out comes another doe and 3 more behind, I'm thinking good chance a bruiser is following.They all stop and look back now and out comes the little forkhorn 2 point. Dang ,not what I wanted! They all broused around till 10:15 and then split up and went there own ways. I had a 1 1/2 year old doe around my stand for almost 2 hours,I really should have shot her but the mother was blowing and wheezing for most of the 2 hours,@ what I don't know because, she was up wind of me. All stayed quiet till 11 then the wind kicked up and I couldn't hear a dang thing and then a tree about 40 yards from me breaks and comes down with a thud. That was enough for me as I climbed down and headed out. Found 6 more fresh rubs that were made this morning . Snowing like a damn right now and still windy, so tomorrow should be awesome if the deer stay bedded all night,they'll need to feed and then the chasing will go most of the day I hope. Good luck guys and be safe. Wonder where Troy is? Probably sleeping in a tree deep in the bush if I know him!!!! Go get him Troy! Rocky
Nothing tonight, but I was serenaded by wolves as I was packing up. There's asome video (audio) in my journal thread. I'm done with the bow now for a bit. Rifle in WI, come back for a few days (maybe get 1 or 2 hunts in) then I'm off to Mazitlan with my wife, dad & step-mom. I'll be hard at it for the last 3 weeks of the season after that. I'll be in touch from WI, another advantage of the iPhone I'm hoping to drop a couple does and a buck there. There are a number of good bucks we're after. These are all from last year, I don't have this years on my computer, but you get the idea...
Good luck in the morning Rocky, it sounds real promising. You sure have some real adventures in your hunting spot. Fitz, keep after a buck buddy. Knock em down with the rifle and bow buddy. kskcheche---go after a buck with your bow buddy! It is going to happen soon for you. Sean, your time is coming soon. Drop the hammer! Troy, KILL! Nuff said.
Well no luck this weekend seen some but nothing close, Did not see any chasing going on! Going to a wedding in Sainte Genevieve, mo. this weekend so i won't be able to hunt until Thanksgiving weekend, I will be going to central Nebraska for 4 days so hopefully I can get on a nice buck! I would just like to see anything with horns on it within shooting distance!!! LOL Good luck to everyone!
An All Day Sit Didn't quite make it due to the chills, lasted till 3:30,plus I was in an area that is really uneven with a ton of holes and rough terrain. I know excuses, I really wanted to see what the crap is going on here .It's the 15th of November and I'm not seeing any big deer yet. Got in at 7:15 and 1st light wasn't till 8:05, just got buckled in and right away I hear crunching.I stand still and try my hardest to see the deer,but nothing,too dark still, then right beside me again crunching and I still can't make them out. Then quite sets in and 1st light comes and at 8:20, 2 does come out from where all the noise was earlier,deer just don't want to come close so I can make my 1st shot. I moved to the middle of the property after sitting with nothing at 12 and still nothing till I got the chills and decided I needed to find out what is with the no sightings. I walked 20 feet into the spruce and there's my answer scrape lines and rubs galore. The fresh snow yesterday tells me the deer are just starting as the fresh rubs and scrapes are proof. The bigger deer might be sitting with momma waiting for the cycle to start. Still I should be seeing bucks with out does and mature ones too. Tomorrow Sit Will be back to the Chicken farm where the 3 big fellas are with a south east wind,hopefully I'm back far enough so that they can hit there scrapes and still not come into my scent zone before heading to the bedding area which is still 80 more yards south of me. If there ruttin they won't smell me anyways,to much else on their minds. Talk to you's tomorrow night,oh yeah the temps drop of the map on Friday going down to -27 and a high of -17,not sure if my body can take the cold anymore. Will give it my best guys. A thought actually came over me on stand today.I was thinking I should just start hunting serious early season and forget about the rutt. Realy! Body's full arthritis from my school days and sports and boxing and parachuting. Blame the Airbourne for that,LOL,gotta blame someone huh! It's a good thought though and comforting to hear. Good luck tomorrow team. I'm pumped. Rocky