Love the team name! Fitz, great work on the logo and you are also my vote for el captain! 4 more days and I'm off the chase does! Maybe a buck if I can find the one I'm after, all spot and stalk. For everyone's info; My name is Dave. I will be hunting NW Montana only this year, lots and lots of deer! If anyone is interested, feel free to PM me for my number for teaser threads Found this buck in early July, not sure how much bigger he will be now.
Rutin, I might have to take you up on that offer. With just getting back stateside I havn't had any time to scout. My friend in MD says he will be able to put me on some bucks. But but for the most part my hunting will be luck based this season. I've done some scouting using google maps of the public land near where I'm moving to in NC, and the land my parents own in Md is very low pressure. So I'm hoping for the best. Also Fitz you have my vote.
Thanks for the vote of confidence gents! I'm not exactly sure what captain entails, but I'm game. I was trying to get the logo to work with my signature, but I couldn't get it to upload right, so I'm trying to fit it into a good avatar size. Should only take a few more minutes....
Fritz You got my vote also,and the avatar is awesome. Sept 5th ,opening day,can't come any faster. Lets tag out early on the does guys,so we can put our heads to the plan, winning this contest!!!
Sean, thank you for your service and welcome home! I wish you the best this season in the whitetail woods. I live in Northern Virginia.
Thanks Shadow, hows the hunting in NOVA? If its anything like the deer I've seen in King Gorge then your going to have a great year!
Good evening, gentlemen. I'm not sure how y'all got slotted on the same team, but I smell something fishy. You guys who are new to the contest are fortunate to have been drawn on this team. Lots of great hunters and more importantly, great guys on your roster. I'm sure you'll walk away from this contest (having lost to the Bunnies) with some great new friends and hopefully an overstuffed freezer. Good luck, fellas. By the way, I just pulled a local camera card - got 3 bucks who shed their velvet in the past 2 days. 'Tis the season, boys.
Here's what I got guys. I buy no means am saying that this is the way we should go, but this is what it would look like for each member if we went with this design...
Okay Fitz How do I pluck my name & Avatar from that list you have there and make it my own? Or anyone else whom has a clue? Thanks Rocky
Right click your image, properties, highlight the url which is from photbucket and copy the link to the clipboard. Go to your ctrl panel and edit your avatar and upload one from url and paste in the photobucket link, save, done.
You can also just right click on your image, select "save as". Save it to your desktop. Then under forum actions, choose "edit profile", then "edit avatr". You can upload the image there from your desktop.
Morning team, I will have to change my avatar at home this evening..Nice work Captain Fitz. Work filter blocks nearly all my photos here.. Sux.. Had a great hunt last night, let a cow and calf walk by broadside at 25.. got great footage of it.. saw a nice bull elk but he never made his way to my stand.. I thought about jumping out of the stand and putting the sneak on that bull but with only a few days to get a crack at a velvet buck, I hung tight.. No whitetails last night, just elk messing up my hunt! Can't hunt tonight, boy has a football game. Back at it tomorrow.
Sweet man! keep after them... I will be hunting in KY this Saturday & Sunday, hopefully get on one of my big boys down there. I will take my laptop to the hotel with me and try to get wifi service for updates. Fitz- what editing software do you use for pics and video?