Sat in a stand I havent been around since July. I had turkeys nested 30 yards away, had no idea untill they started moving and it was away from me. Bummer. Saw a little guy rubbin up a sapling and what looked like peeing in a scrape, no scratching though. Then close to dark saw a few more deer moving through on the same trail, couldnt tell what they were but I suspect mom and young'ns. I think I need to move this stand, but I found a rub and a scrape not 10 yards from the tree. The trail the deer were on is about 90 yards away. Probably wont get it moved until next week though, maybe on Sat if I have time in between hunts. Sunday headed to Arrowhead for the Chiefs game. Gun season is this weekend, and still no chasing. Im kind of disappointed.
I'll fill you guys in better Thrus or Fri. Good day yesterday, saw two does. One in the AM, one PM. Other critters entertained us all day. Almost stepped on a grouse on my way in. If anything really good happens, I'll let you know!
Just wanted to wish everyone who is getting to hunt this week good luck! I will be heading to a archery only conservation area up in Columbia Mo. this weekend for an all day hunt Sat. and a morning hunt Sunday. I always see alot of deer when I go up there so with any luck I will take something. With the time change it is going to make it tough to make it out after work. So good luck and be safe.
Time Change I hear ya MoHunter ,bout the time change,I'm in the same predicament,work, LOL. I won't be back in a stand hugging a tree till Friday when my Holidays kick in for 6 days of all day sits,that's only 2 days away though. I'm hoping the rutt kicks bye then though! Good luck on the weekend and you too Fitz,hope you and your bud tag out in the few days you have to share with one another. Rocky
Jerry, sweet looking doe! Congrats! Saw my first good looking buck on his feet for the right reasons! tonight, he was definitely out prowling around.. 3.5 year old 4x4 120 class. Had him at 30 yards.. broadside... he needs one more year... Daytime movement is going to really start picking up here after this weekend full moon... I have 8 days off coming up over Thanksgiving.. I will be living in a tree from then until the New Year, between here, WA. and ND. No hunting for me after tomorrow until Sun evening, My wife and I are headed to southern Idaho to watch the Boise State vs TCU game Friday, I will be a tree tomorrow evening though!
Doe/fawn down for the team. Normally would have held out for a mature doe but this one had been caught by coyotes. Was walking through a good area doing some spot and stalk. Deer was bedded 30 yards off of the trail. Drew the bow and grunted for her to get up, when she did I noticed her back legs was pretty tore up. 30 yard double lung hit with a 10 yard recovery. All in all not sure how to feel on the situation. I know I did the right thing, just tough seeing an animal beat up like that. Wasn't much celebration after the shot/recovery on my part, just a quite thanks.
Nice work Dave, congrats on the doe! We were skunked today. Changing it up tomorrow. Gonna stick to this side on the lake. Might try a ground blind I've never ast in in the AM.
Backcountry Congrats on the doe, you did the right thing, sounds like she was just waiting for the end to come with the pack. They get the hamstrings on her? Sounds like Sheds starting to get movement,that's a sign for me too normally,as I'm just a little North East of him. Not liking the temps for the weekend though,high's of +11 and +16 for daytime high's. Going in back after my 3 target bucks on the same property,hopefully one will make a mistake. TC was showing the scrape was getting hammered between 8:30 am till 10:30am. Dang Doe Scent hasn't arrived yet either .Stuff is remarkable that Will brought up last year. Supposed to be here by tomorrow,other wise I'll have to depend on the hard way,LOL. Got 6 days to do it ,last year I had 4 days to get 2 for Will & I ,it went down to the wire for Will. I see were only 450 points out of 1st, that shouldn't be to hard to close the distance when we start hitting pay dirt guys. Let's go Team Dethrone Rocky
You absolutely did the right thing Dave! Nothing worse than a suffering animal. Hope you drill a big MT. buck, they should be moving real soon...same over here...and Rocko! yup you should start seeing some movement picking up real soon I would think.. Us ..North Westerners are always about 2 weeks behind the midwestern boys..
Good job on the doe BC, sometimes things like that happen. Looking back at the way my season has gone, if we start piling up some points I'm gonna feel real bad for not taking better pics of that 1st doe I got. Honestly there wasn't a shred of doubt in my mind that I'd get another. If we start getting close I'll try and save a tag for our late season and maybe get lucky. Without seeing much in the early season, I can't imagine the does moving in later this winter. I'm heading into 4 days off & hopefully a lot of Ohio tree time. 2 solid days planned then we'll see how I'm holding up for sunday. I may take a full rest day, or maybe get out for a morning sit. Then monday is likely just another half day sit as I don't like pushing the envelope far from home, with a long drag out if I'd get one and work the next day.
Eagle bluffs! Have you been there? I have not been to Waters and Moss! Is it any good? Congrats. on the doe BC. I agree were not that far behind and the big ones are still out there.
You did the right thing BC. Good work. Well I am hunting all day tomorrow and Saturday. Those are the only two days of good rut hunting that I will get so I am going for broke with the compound. I have lowered my personal goals for this year to take into account my lack of hunting time...if a solid 2.5 year old gives me a shot on the public land I am taking it. KILL! Best of luck to all of you guys. Ryan, only one option.....KILL a doe!
IIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTT"SSSSSSS TIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEE! Wish me luck fella's ,I'll need it, it's raining right now with the winds out of the south west and might turn to snow.Low of -1 and high of +6, Going into the land of the giants this day guys. I'll pray for a safe day for all of us hunting today team. Be safe and God Bless. Rocky
Had a great few days hunting with my buddy Nick. Saw a total of 7 deer, which is huge for me. Yesterday AM ww had a doe skirt our set up with a fork in hot pursuit. 2 minutes later a nice dark basket went by. They were at about 35yards but we couldn't get them to stop or come back. It was a great sit. On our way back in we jumped a doe & fawn too. Not sure how many more trips across the lake I'll be getting in. The ice has started to form in the outlet and our back bay. It's only a matter of time before the canoe is rendered useless Of course, if it gets really cold, I could get back there before the seson ends on Dec 31st. But we need good ice for that. It's not all bad though, if I'm not headed across I'll be sticking to the ridge behind the lodge which really is full of does. If it weren't for Blade, I'd be hunting close by more often. I have a ton of chores I need to get done this weekend & we have two cabins rented, so I'm not sure if I'll get out or not. Then, next Weds, I'm headed down to our cabin in WI for the rifle season. It's always fun when Fitz, Fitz, Fitz, Fitz & Fitz get together So, I hope to get out a couple more times before then otherwise it'll most likely be late Dec hunting for me. Good luck out there guys, I think there will be two good bucks down for the team well before sundown Sunday
Was up at 330 and just got home. Sat all day and saw 0 deer. So that is 20 hours of hunting with only one deer sighting. Sounds about right for where I hunt. My buddy shot a small buck late this afternoon. He hadn't killed a deer with his bow in two years before last Saturday. Now, he has killed two deer in one week, both times with us hunting together. I told him I am his good luck charm and he is my bad luck charm. Back at it all day tomorrow. I need some luck guys as I won't be able to hunt again for two weeks after tomorrow.
VS, you are putting in the time, you will be rewarded! It only takes one Example, my dad has been hunting hard for 11 days straight, finally arrowed his Moose tonight. 30 yard shot with a stone head he knapped. Dream hunt. Even in your darkest hour miracles can, and will, happen.
Back VS I feel for ya man,I was in my dream spot today for 11 hours and also saw zilch,that's a great big 0. Dang that don't happen much,speacialy during the rutt. Had a farmer on the field taking off bails all day, the only deer I heard was the one the farmer kicked out of his bed when he got out to take a leak by the point .He blew at him 3 times while he made distance between him and the farmer.Blew for a few hours and hit 1 which felt like -10. Keep at er VS, like Back said it'll happen soon. Got down an switched out my SD card and freshened up the scrapes and just now looked at the Pics and nothing for a week. What's up with that? I did hear the fence go about 7 times today on the west side. Maybe there feeding of the West feild,no stands there! Back at er in the AM like VS ,good luck buddy. Rocky