Sean If the bucks are in rutt it's almost impossible to pattern them as they might be bedded with a resceptive doe and won't move untill she does, or he might have finished wih the does in the area and is off looking elswhere. Not trying to be negative,but that's the facts. That's what happens to a lot of people,they get to targeted on a specific buck and end up eating tag soup ,might be time to try for something that'll wet your appetite. Good luck and stay positive my friend. Rocky
Fitz How do you make the picture bigger? I thought when you click on them they got bigger like the video I posted!Those pics don't do the deer justice. Rocky
Sean, I think I found another 8pt to add to our stock! I thought he was the same one I had photos of earlier, but upon further review, I think they are differen't. What do you guys think? the new buck is in the center, the other shots are the first 8pt....
yeah he is much bigger Fitz. Speaking of our 8's mine broke off one of his tines!!! can you say "heart Broken"
Rocky, you can paste the IMG code directly from photobucket, or if you use the image button, be sure to uncheck the box that's says something about refferencing the image.
Howdy guys, Sean, thats a great looking buck, man I hope you get him, nice work on the doe again. Slow here, hunted my tail off this weekend..slow slow.. slow... bucks arent' moving quite yet.. won't be too long..not even a new scrape on the ground... bout the time it kicks in here you guys will all be tagged out!
Hey team, I was back out sunday in Ohio, had a 135" 10 pt w. crab clawed tips at 40 yds. He was so sneaky & on edge, a quad went down the gas line(100 yds away) and he changed directions and went into the thick stuff as he passed me. I would go out my normal spot for a doe, but I am just not seeing ANY out there. For whatever reason this year they are just not using that property. Pretty much just one more weekend for me to hit it hard & then I'll wait for the gun seasons for doe tag filling & if I still have a buck tag in ohio I'll be trying to take one with a handgun.
Just wanted to say thanks Fitz! Been trying to post pictures for an hour and finally e-mailed them to him! Hunted Friday with the wind about to blow me out of the tree, Wasn't seeing much and then 2 does came in and hung around for awhile and I did not see anything coming in behind them so I decided to shoot the first 1 that gave me a shot. The first 1 came right in to me and gave me a perfect 30 yard broadside shot! I sent the arrow dead center of her heart she went about 30 feet and fell, It was the first time I have ever had 1 fall that quick, it was nice not having to worry about finding her! The other doe stayed around for about 15 minutes before she finally disappeared in the woods did not see anything else all day! Saturday started out slow never seen anything till around 3:30 and ended up with about 8 does and 1 button buck hanging around until dark, I had to wait for 45 minutes till after dark before I could get down! No big bucks but a great weekend in the woods! Sorry so long!
Mo Hunter Congrats on the doe bud,LOL forgot you were on the team,sorry! Nice when the deer do what you want them to do huh! Sounds like the rutt hasn't started your way yet either huh! You said that you had 7 doe's with out any mature bucks around to harass them. Should start to kick any day. Best of luck on getting your buck,keep at it. Rocky
My buddy Nick and I are headed out soon to get set up. He decided to go with the bow today, can't wait to get out there. Wish us luck!
Good Luck Fitz! Heading out in about 20 to sit in a new stand. Tons of cover, three funnels coming together, and about 100 yards from bedding. Should be a great spot. Don't plan on shooting anything without horns, but I have been tempted before
Hey, this is cute! You guys are just too cool, but you're falling out of the pack! I'm rooting for ya! Get out there and have fun! Good hunting!
Holy crap, the deer Justin just posted on the score card is a dandy! Kinda late posting it but we get to see the final score. Nice doe fellow Missourian, Congrats! I can attest to the rut having not started yet. I havent seen any chasing, going out after the rain passes this afternoon. If I see some movement that says other wise ill post with an update. When my brother helped me drag my doe out the other day I found out that Att had 3G coverage at the property I hunt, Im switching to Att from Sprint soon, so I cant wait! With Sprint, I have no service. Kinda nice at times, but I hunt alone alot of the time and if anything ever happened I have no way of telling anyone. EDIT: On Justins score, can anyone explain to me what 0/8 measures? With PY scoring you either round up or down to the nearest 8th of an inch, so its either "12" or "12 1/8". What the heck is ZERO EIGHTHS?