Just Got In From Work Look what I'm missing ,congrats to Rybo and Mo,can't wait to read their stories,the dethrowning starts here!!!! Rocky
Good call VS! Here's a quick pic. I'll get to the story tomorrow. He looks bigger than he'll score. I'm happy! Sit all day of you can boys, this guy come cruising thru @ 1:05 PM
Way to go guys!! Congrats on the kills! I have been seeing some, but haven't really had the chance to put anything down yet. I did see some decent rut activity yesterday, but it was all smaller bucks chasing. That's ok though because that usually means that the big boys are at least on the prowl. On our way to our stands yesterday morning we had a 140-150 class jump out of some native grass and run in front of the ATV for about 20 yards. I would like to get a better look at him during the daytime. He sould be a really nice one from what I saw. Keep it up boys and good luck today!
Heading Out Well it's 6:05 am and -12 and the winds are perfect for my setup out of the south at 10kms,going into a stand that hasn't been sat in yet this year and where I made a scrape line 2 weeks ago after putting in my TC. I got busted by a doe and her fawn that morning doing the scrape. About 70 yards from the feild where they come off to the bedding area. There is believe it or not, 3 different bucks on this property I have had the pleasure to watch and grow over the last 4 years, that will score from 195 to 215. HighTower,FullCurl and Mr Perfect. Now all I need is for the presence of one to make my day. Good luck to those hunting today,be safe and may the lord be with you on your sit. Rocky
Good luck on that 10 Sean! The rest of you guys stay at it, good things are coming. I have a friend up this weekend with his wife and year old son, so I don't think I'll get out until Sunday night. It's good though, haven't seen them in a while and we were up late visiting. ... I'll be glued to BH.com though
Good job Rybo! Very nice buck. Heading out tonight after work to get a stand moved real quick. Will be in it first thing Tuesday morning. It is a proven killing stand and killing is what I aim to do.
Good luck GENTS! Way to GO RYBO and MO! ...back in the woods... this afternoon soon as I am doing typing here.. Called in a nice buck this morning (rattling) hung up on me for 1 full freaking hour.. 50-60 yards in the thick timber/brush... never could get him closer... definite shooter if it was who it looked like.. MR. P ...that sucker might be the most skittish buck I have ever laid eyes on.. he stayed down wind of me and would not come out... he kept pacing back and forth... guess that's why he has made it to the age he is..
Back Not sure if I should say this but I passed up a 130ish buck this morning @ 11:15. Had him @15 yards,a 5x4. When I heard him coming in and 1st saw him I thought he was a shooter from the size of his body. As I was just about to turn on my Camera I think a flash of sunlight spooked him from the face of the camera and he took of another 50 yards away. This was my 1st sit in this stand and the activity in the scrape I made was a good sign. Got in my stand at 7:15 and right at 1st light 8:05 I heard a buck grunting and chasing just to the south of me,lucky ,cause that's where the wind was blowing,right to them. Had the same doe and her fawn at 40 yards but behind to much bush to try a shot,they were ansy and looking all around suspecting another buck was close by. That was at 9:20. Got down at 12:45 and as I was climbing down my tree I got made ,by what? I don't know as I had my back to whom ever it was. Sure sounded like a bigger bodied animal as the snort wheeze was real loud. Grabbed my wheeze out of my pocket and let him have it right back and started to pull my bow back up thinking maybe he'll come back. That's when it bolted,never did see it. Gathered my stuff up and headed to my other stand with a TC I haven't checked for 2 weeks. Had ton's of activity at this scrap and man was it torn up,got home and uploaded them and I had all kinds of animals using the scrape,including a yote, cow moose.Three differet does and a little 4x4. Guess where I'll be sitting if the wind is right come Friday? Need a west wind for this stand and funny thing is, it's the stand I shot my buck from last year. Good luck this afternoon guys, my other team I'm on at a different site is starting hit it real good in the last 2 days with 4 bucks down, one 150 buck from Wisconsin this morning.I'll be out for my 1st all day sit tomorrow. Keep your heads screwed on boys. IT'S TIME Rocky
I'm loving all the updates.... but it's driving me nuts not being on stand!! Nice work Sean! They are sure falling now Good luck Troy & Rocky!
GOOD job Sean and congratulations on your first deer! Man that is fantastic. I sat from sun-up to sundown. I saw ONLY one lone doe at 8am. My hunting buddy shot a small spike buck this morning. He doesn't have much time to hunt like me so he was very happy to put some meat in the freezer.