Well my hunt gets going tomorrow!! I am heading down after I drop the kids off at school. I am hoping to be in a stand by about 2:00. I will be hunting until next Wednesday The weather looks pretty good. We might have a little rain and a day or two with some wind, but I have stands for those occasions. Hopefully I can start to pull my weight here and help out the team. I will keep the team posted. Good Luck to everyone!!
Less than an hour away from another 4 day weekend. All I can do is be out there. Hopefully something comes by. Good luck this weekend team!
Go get them guys. I am hunting with an old hunting partner of mine all day Saturday on the public land. I am really looking forward to seeing him and getting in a good day of hunting. We are supposed to have a low of 32 overnight on Friday and only a high of 55 on Saturday. Those temps should get some deer moving. I have three all day sits scheduled from this Saturday to next Saturday and after that the hunting will tighten up for me.
The afternoon started out pretty messed up. My dad got 2 new tires for his Polaris Ranger, but the tire shop guy couldn't get one of them to set on the rim. He said he needs to put a tube in it and stretch it out and see if it will work then. So we only have 3 tires for that and then my dad's 6 month old lab pup took the key out of one of the 4-wheelers and we can't find it. She chews on everything including lugnuts off of the Ranger. So anyway we did get out hunting finally and even though nothing was killed it was a pretty nice night. I saw 17 does, but no bucks. None of the does came in range either. I will be back at it in the morning. Hopefully I will have some pictures to post with my report.
Nice work Jerry and Sean, thats a stud man! I hope you drill him. I am out the door here at work real soon, Hitting it hard all weekend. My bucks here are in that lock down mode.. our rut is always about 2 weeks behind you guys so I am saving a few really good stands for later in the month but I will be in deep into bedding areas in a couple spots.. hoping to catch a big boy coming back to bed or exiting a bed.. Good luck to our entire time, lets shed some blood!
What am I missing, who shot a doe?!--hahaha. TIME TO KILL boys! I predict Rybo puts down a buck this weekend.
Another txt... Yeah Ryan!!!! Horns for the team Can't wait for the story on these deer boys! We're cookin' now!
Moi=Nostradamus! KILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Mo_Hunter and Rybo, good work gentlemen! The assault toward the top of the bowhunting competition begins in earnest!