I had an unreal day this weekend, considering I didnt fling an arrow. Elk (sat) invaded my whitetail area, over 70 of them. I had 5 different bulls at less than 40 yards. Couple dozen cows less than 30yrds.. and No elk tags! Dang it. Saw a handful of does and two small small bucks from stand as well. Unfortunately I didn't see any big mature bucks. They just are not moving much now with all the gunners in the woods. It's amazing how locked down my big bucks get when the pressure is on, same routine every rifle season. I am bowhunting tight to bedding areas. These big boys here have all the feed and water they need right in their beds. So they don't need to go anywhere during the daylight hours. I am patiently waiting for the rutting rituals to kick in here in a few weeks... I have some killer stands hung on doe familys that will produce great buck movement.. its truely the calm before the storm. I freshened several scrapes near 5 different stands this weekend. I only heard 2 rifle shots all weekend.. and I saw and heard gun hunters all over the area... Duck hunters were blazing away daily down on the lake..sounded like a warzone down there... anyway...I just keep moving in deeper, knowing my only shot is to get in tight on a big bucks bedding until the rut gets them motivated to move, then I will transition to my doe family group areas. Good luck to you all, keep after it. Smart/ Hard work, determination and a never say die attitude goes along way for us bowhunters.. I hope tonight is the night. Gonna be in a stand I have been saving for this lock down. Might even tickle the antlers lightly.
Fitz, I think you and I are chasing the same buck. I'll post pic later. I swear mine looks just like that.
HighTower from 2 years ago when he was a 170 7x6,now he's close to the 200 inch mark , This is FullCurl he was 180 3 years ago and today I would guess him at 215, carries a ton of mass now and his main beams are way out past his nose. PRMS0024 This is the last of my target bucks Tank,he's over 300pds on the hoof and scored over 185 last year for 5x5, this who I really want a date with,had him 3 times last year at under 30 yards but couldn't seal the deal due to willow bushes PRMS0017 Hope these turn out,I see the one above didn't,if not of well. lol Rocky
Troy Trying to upload them to photo bucket then to here. Can't seem to get it,you know man I'm computer iliterate! I'll figure it out tomorrow! Rocky
Halloween was a bust, but at least I saw more than a fawn. Had 3 deer scoot thru the brush quite a distance of. I think one was a small buck, it was tough to see. Just before dark a BB came under my stand. I've never had a season where so many lone fawns were roaming around. It's been like this since september and across 5 properties. Every place I've hunted except one, I've had a lone fawn or pair of them come in. Odd.
By weeks end we will have 2-3 bucks down on this team plus a doe or two! It IS time to get it done and KILL!
FITZ, very true yours does look a bit older then mine, however there Racks are very similar. VA, I agree!!! I plan on putting down a buck and doe in this week, LETS GET IT DONE BOYS!!!!
Hunted tonight. Dead quiet, first time i've been out all season and not seen a critter. Look out tomorrow!
I had high hopes for this season but then work got in the way, I am finally getting some time this weekend, Me and my nephew is going to Nebraska this weekend, Were leaving at noon on Thursday and be able to hunt thru Sunday, Fri. and Sat. will be all day sits and Sun. morning till 10 so should have plenty of time for something to happen. The crops have been cut so with any luck we will have a couple of deer on the ground by Sunday. Good luck to everyone and have a safe hunt this week.
AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I had 50 points at 10 yards, and got busted when i went to draw back!!!!! So I will be giving that spot a rest for a few days, and trying out my new spot. Fingers crossed.....
MoHunter--no stress man. You are right in time for the good stuff. Sean, keep at it buddy. I almost had a chance to take out a legit buck tonight. I saw 4 does milling about when I first set up tonight at 4:30pm. They moved off slowly due to me slightly spooking them. About 5 minutes later I saw the left main beam of a decent buck at 35 yards. He followed in the direction of the does and I never saw him again. About 6 I had three does walk by at 10 yards....no buck in tow. BAck at it all day on Saturday.