Rybo and everyone else hunting hard this weekend, best of luck. I am hoping to get in a full day of hunting on Saturday for the first time this year. The temps are falling which is good, yet it might be raining hard. I sure hope it does not rain harder than a drizzle. KILL
Hey guys, good luck all weekend, I saw one of my big boys while on stand Wed night.. man he looked awesome in hard antler.. he was just feeding ... no rutting action here yet.. little later here than most of the country... as usual.. anyway I am stoked about Fri, Sat, and Sundays hunts.. I am going in deep for the first time.. bucks are still just bedding and feeding and not moving far because they don't have to here, they bed in their feed... All native brush and grasses.. in the big timber.. I have a good feeling about this weekend and our team dropping the hammer! I will text ya all if I drill one! God Bless and be safe out there! The buck I watched Wed evening.. last 30 min of light.. Man he is a stud buck, this is the buck I'd like to get the most and have the most history with.. 3 years of trail cams and watching MR. P grow up.. passed him up 3 times in his lifetime.. Hes better in hard antler than in this pic.. just a perfect big 5x5..you can't really see his rt side g-2 in that pick but it mirrors his left.. as all his tines are mirrors.. of each other..he wont have hardly any deducts.. over 150 gross I am sure..after looking him over good.. the other day..
Morning Sit Going to get out in the morning till 1,man, having a hard time finding time to hunt,evenings are done now that daylights saving time goes back an hour on Monday. Next weekend will be the next time out after tomorrow for me till the 11th.Hopefully I can tag a doe in the morning or FullCurl or HighTower. Dang that would be awesome, winds will be wrong,but I'll be sitting in a stand that the deer will aproach from the South west heading back to the bedding area and hopefully the bucks will hit the scrapeline I made last week. The big boys should be up and moving as it'll be -6 when I get in and a high of +4 for the day with a west wind at 30-40 gusting and I'll be down out of the wind in a lower level of the property. I just hope to see something with antlers that will score over 140. Been a brutal year for not seeing anything on camera or visually this year. That attributes to the time that I've hunted. Little time in there home leaves less chance of seeing them.. Four years till I retire and then I can stop complaining. Good luck to each one of you's out this weekend. I have a feeling someone's going to drop a booner tomorrow. Rocky
Withstood 4 hours of freezing rain, snow, and sleet this morning. I did not see a single deer. Taking a nap and if the rain slows down to even average I will be back at it for a couple of hours this afternoon.
VGShadow I was the same, then the wind kicked up real hard at 12:15 and I got down to leave and I freshened my scrapes up and low and behold as I stood up from freshining the scrape,voila a mature doe with a fawn not 20 yards away. They were heading right to me too and I got down 15 minutes to early. LMAO. I went around the bend a refreshened that one too and there they were again.Man I can't win can I LOL. I'm stuck now till the 11th I think,might get out one more sit next weekend. Good luck this afternoon VgShad. That's my 1st fawn I've seen this year. Rocky
YF, thanks. It is still pouring freezing rain this afternoon so I am not going out. I am down to like 4 good hunting days the rest of November! But, I still am holding out confidence I will get the job done.
Guys I will be on stand this morning,yahoo! Didn't think the wife would let me,LOL. Got a South wind so I can get in where Tank hangs out,hopefully I can get a shot off today.Tired of shooting at targets,give me the real deal ! Good luck to those hunting this morning. Weather is 0 with south wind @9 hopefully I can fling an arrow as they head back to there bedding area. This is where all my photos have been between 7am till 11 am. My luck they'll change there pattern to 5pm to 7pm LMAO for my sit. Good luck team.Will touch base when I get back. Rocky
Taking a much needed mental break today fellas. 2 solid days of hunting prime spots in prime conditions & all I have to show is 3 fawns. The worst season in my history continues...I don't want to make light of things after almost having fell out of my stand friday morning, but at this point I just want to make it thru this season without severely injuring myself. I will be back out tomorrow, no matter how bad things are, I can't miss halloween.
This NO Sunday hunting thing in Virginia is for the birds. Yesterday I hunted through friggin miserable conditions. Today, the weather is perfect for deer movement and we cannot hunt. Unreal. I knew prior to the season that this would be my most difficult season. However, I am still trying my best to make it happen. I won't be able to hunt again until next Saturday more than likely.
VS it will come together for you buddy, your putting in hard work. Leaving tomorrow night for three days of Moose hunting in N. Idaho. Will finally get to sit my stand again this upcoming Friday, first time in TWO weeks! I will probably move back to a stand I killed a buck from two years ago. Aerial photo showing the island. Have sat 4 times in new stand site and have yet to see a deer, from stand. Not much visibility. The old stand sight was situated on a trail where the deer were crossing from neighboring private lands onto the island. bedding areas are south of the stand. Rattled my buck from these areas. Also thinking about placing a stand in their. Blue line represents deer movements, white is my approach.
Back Well I had a yote come in and busted me as he was almost broadside and he caught movement from me. I wanted to release an arrow so bad. He was scrawny anyways.. That was at 8:05 then at 8:25 I caught movement out in the feild behind me. That's where they come from, from feeding all night. Big body and then as he came into veiw all I could see was antler and there was a bunch of it and heavy too. I grabbed my bow and stuck my call in my mouth. He hit 40yards on the other side of the willows and I grunted and he didn't flinch. I grunted again and nothing. I put the bow up and grabbed the antlers and started tickling and he continued on out of my life for today anyways. I've never seen this buck before and have no trail cams of him either. I didn't really get the best look at him so I'm not sure how many points he had bud he was wide and thick. He was for sure over 170. The rest of the morning was a bust after that. Now the wait till next weekend. Someone put one down please., LOL. Rocky Here's a look of frustration from this morning
Backcountry How do you use your Google earth to post on here,VG was asking me to show him my properties I hunt. Your the 1st one I've seen use it. Thanks for any help. Rocky
Rocky, Go to File -> Save (there should be a little arrow next to the Save) -> Save Image Otherwise, Ctrl + Alt + S
Grabbed my card so I could check photos while it got light. A new buck showed up. Looks like a decent 8. Not gonna lie, if he showed up, I think an arrow would fly...