Pretty crappy weekend for me. 1 small buck far off in the distance in 12hrs + of tree time. I didn't have the energy (physically or mentally) to make the 1 &1/2 drive to ohio today, despite it being a great frosty morning. Back at it next friday.
Won't be able to make it out again till this next Friday, I think. Taking my Fiance out on her fer ever hunt this Tuesday. Going in to try to find the big bull I was chasing during archery. I believe I know where he is. Depending on how she is doing Tuesday night after the hike I may be able to get out Wednesday again for deer. Leaving the week after this for N. Idaho to do some Moose hunting with my dad then it will be back here in time for the rut. Going to be a busy couple of weeks!
Story time... Got rained out of work on Monday so I had a chance to get in the stand. Got in the stand around 4. At around 5:30 I hear crashing up the creek, doe and fawn came running on the opposite side and crossed just to my east and they stopped less than 20 yards away. Drew and shot, BAM blew through both shoulders with a double lung shot she ran 10 yards and crashed hard. If I would of had another anterless tag I probably would of shot the dow fawn as well. It sounded like she fell right in the creek. I got down a little after 6 because I wanted to see where she went because I thought I was going to have a lot of work to do to get her out of the creek. To my suprise she was just on the other side of the pond bank. As I was dragging her out another doe came within 10 yards of me. Im sitting here with a leg in my hand and a deer so freaking close I could hear it breathing. Then it looked across the creek and kept starring. So I slowly looked and here comes a spike wanting to cross the creek. I thought he probably had other bigger bucks with him so as soon as he dropped into the creek I drop the leg and grabbed my bow. Well the doe spooked and ran off and the spike stopped on the bank. He stood there for a minute and ran back across and out of site. I sat there thinking well that didnt work. Then about a minute after that I hear more crashing and I see HORNS running away. He was standing just behind a big oak across the creek not more than 50 yards away BUT I couldnt see him. :facepalm: Pretty exciting sit for only being my second time out this year.
Sounds like were all starting to see deer, that's a good sign of things to come for #28,were so far behind,be cool if someone could get a buck down.Won't be me as I'll be out of the woods till next weekend. Going out to put my cameras out on another property where Fullcurl roams. He's my target buck this year. I'll be putting in some scrape lines too. Good luck guys,I'm relagated to being a cheerleader for this week. Be safe and God Bless. Rocky
Nice story KSK. It's awesome being that close to deer on the ground! Congrats again, sounds like your stand has some good activity. All of our guests checked out, and we got all the work we need to get done before we leave tomorrow finished, so I get to hunt tonight! Haven't decided where I'm headed yet. I have a perfect W wind so I can hunt either Dam stand, but I'm thinking I may head to the corner... that's where all my photos of Blade have come from this year. May rattle & grunt a bit tonight.
We are just getting warmed up. I am in for one heck of a week of work, BUT I plan on hunting all day Saturday the 29th. Time to bring it!
Oh chit, the King is posting bunny pics on our thread now... we better kill a few bucks to keep him in check.. My weekend turned into more family and work time than hunting, rightly so, weather was extra warm and rained like a banshee on Sat, I pulled the plug on Sunday's hunting to get a ton of work done that I needed to get done now before the hunting conditions get better.. camper and boat are winterized, fire wood is split and stacked 5 cord deep... brother and son's deer are butchered up and taken care of....and its gonna be 29 degrees tomorrow night.. huge cold front moving in..time to get on stand and log some hours..starting tomorrow evening after work.. might even break out the grunt call and rattling antlers.. nice buck by the way King.. if you read this.. congrats bro
On a positive note.. I got hooked up with an awesome whitetail buck area in Montana from an old friend Sat. evening while visiting at my boys football end of the season even though I didn't get to hunt like I wanted to this weekend, I can't wait to put in for this Montana buck hunt, next fall.
How goes it guys. Good here, had 7 does come by last night and glassed one nice 2.5 year old from a distance.. temps are dropping and deer were out feeding early.. Hope tonight brings a big boy near my stand! Good luck everyone.
Good luck Shed. I am still keying in on this weekend. If things go as planned, I will hunt from sun-up to sundown as this will be my first sit on the private property I acquired, the temps will be dropping/cloudy, and the winds are just right for the topography. I will be trying to keep myself busy on stand and hold on like a trooper all day. BRING it!
Hey guys, So my season will finally start this Saturday! Im SO EXCITED!!!!!! I plan on being in the wood for the next 2 weeks straight, so hopefully I will have some good results. Ill keep yall updated....
Best of luck Sean! Watched 7 doe last night. No big buck movement in my area. Back at it again tonight..
Hey team, I know I've whined about having a bad a season so far, but I am really excited about this coming weekend. It's gonna be cold & dry, should make for great deer movement. I've got most of the weekend planned out. Tomorrow morning I will be back in the big buck bedding area. Tomorrow evening back to where I'd seen a shooter earlier in the year & haven't hunted since. Saturday & Sunday I'll be hunting my property in Ohio. Monday morning to the stand where I had the big one in the dark, and I'll play the afternoon hunt by ear. Thinking of just burying at the down wind edge of a bedding area. Good luck to all who are getting out this weekend, the magical time is quickly approaching.
Good luck guys! I just got back into town last night. My B-I-L is getting here any minute now, so I visit with him a bit and figure out my hunting plans for the next few days. I'm thinking about moving one of mt stands, but I need to find the right tree before I make the move. I want to concentrate all my effort around the creek & dams for the next couple weeks. The weather is looking great, in-fact there is a bit of snow on the ground this AM. The big race now is with the ice. I'll be hunting across the lake as long as I can until the WI rifle season, but when the ice starts, I'll have to pull my stands. Until then, Game On!