Shed, Good to see things work out for your brother. That was cool that you got him setup and it paid off so quickly. I made it out last weekend, but didn't put anything on the ground. I saw some smaller bucks and a few does, but the does stayed out of bow range. I was hoping to get another 50 points for the good guys I will be giving it another try this weekend, but I have promised the kids we will get some squirrel hunting in too. It is something I love to do, but I always try to spend every available outdoor minute in a stand with my bow. On a side note: I did try a little rattling on Sunday morning. I just tickled my rattle bag for about 30 seconds and then waited a minute or so and then tickled it again for aboout 15 seconds. 5 minutes later I had a little 4 point 25 yards away checking things out. Could be a coincidence I suppose, but I thought I would mention it. Good Luck Guys!!
Hey guys, Sorry I have not been posting much. Hard to find the motivation lately. It has, so far, been one of those years... I can honestly say I have worked harder this year than I ever have. With nothing to show for it, it has been mentally exhausting. Elk hunting had all the perfect makings just never came together. However, I did learn a lot about my tactics as well as new areas. Perhaps my biggest take-away from elk this year was knowing my mental and physical threshold. I pushed my own limits and then some. I learned an awful lot about myself this year, found out I am capable of much more than I previously thought. Needless to say, fear has left my body and mind and elk is now a high-impact, balls to the wall kill frenzy for me. I will never hunt elk the same as I previously had. Deer hunting has had a slow start as well. The island I usually hunt was terribly flooded this past year. Deer movement changed with it. Basically starting from square one. First sit in stand, no sightings, spooked three does out 100 yards from my stand when I left. Second sit, today, nothing. I keep pushing myself everyday. " It only takes one!". " It can all happen in thirty seconds!". These thoughts keep racing through my head. Hitting the alarm button every morning is getting harder and harder. I am glad I hunt alone, however, I can almost feel something big is on the verge of happening. All of the emotion and sweat from this year is going to culminate into one of the greatest experiences of my life. When? I do not know, but I can feel something. Sorry for the sappy ***** fest but I feel better now LOL. Will be Moose hunting in a few weeks with my dad which will be a welcomed change of pace. Good luck to everyone still at it!
"I keep pushing myself everyday. " It only takes one!". " It can all happen in thirty seconds!". These thoughts keep racing through my head. Hitting the alarm button every morning is getting harder and harder. I am glad I hunt alone, however, I can almost feel something big is on the verge of happening. All of the emotion and sweat from this year is going to culminate into one of the greatest experiences of my life. When? I do not know, but I can feel something." It always seems to happen when one starts feeling exactly like you....tired mentally and physically yet remains steadfast in his approach to hunting. BC, your big buck is coming down the road very soon....I sense it in the FORCE!
Looks like I'm going to head out tonight again. Same spot as last night. Just too entertaining I think I'll bring my Canon point & shoot so I can zoom in and get some video of all the creatures. Off to get ready!
Hi guys, I had the best evening yesterday with my boys. I took Jess hunting for his first deer. We filmed it all. He got a nice little doe. He was so stoked and so was his brother!
Troy, WHAT a season you are having man! Boom! You, your brother, and now your son. Unreal and awesome! Come on guys, we need some more does on the ground here by dark on Sunday. Operation doe destruction officially commences as of 1930 today!
Troy, As I said before, congrats to Jess! Well I ventured into an area known to hold big bucks finally. Good news I saw one of them, bad news he was bedded right there as I came to my tree. But he didn't blow out, watched me for much longer than I expected, then he got up & just sneaked away. Guys this is yet again another example why I will never go in & out of the woods without my red light. the deer & critters just don't spook from it. That was the only deer I saw, but there's still lots of sign & acorns over the hill. I will be back. Probably next friday. Will be heading out for the evening sit in a couple hours, pretty much all day tomorrow & sunday morning. Tonight & tomorrow are anything goes, hopefully I can put a doe down. Sunday is OH & all about the antlers. Good luck team! KILL!
Thanks mates on Jess's behalf. He's still beaming, he gets to hunt elk next week. Good luck this weekend guys, I will be in a stand this evening and all weekend. I hope you guys get some critters down. I will get a doe but it won't come until the late season. For me and the next two months.. Oct/Nov.. its all about bucks.. Looking forward to this weekends hunts. My bday is tomorrow, I'd love to kill a buck on my bday..never have done that. Ryan, very promising that you got right in there with that big buck. I hope you drill one this weekend. My big bucks are feeding hvy at night right now and not moving much during the days with this unseasonably warm temps we are experiencing.. its that time of the year here where I see bucks go into that Oct Lull for a few weeks.. So I am going in deep to several of my stands that I have in thick cover that I have NOT set in once this year.. all bedding area stands for me this weekend.. Can't wait, will be self filming it all.
on another note... lol ... I have never cut up so much meat in Sept/midOct time frame.. so far, two bulls, bear, two whitetails.. all by myself..wife it too busy bro had no time.. Jess did skin his doe though, I was so proud of him and he really wanted to do it!
Thats another 50 for the team!
Kskchche Congrats on the doe bud,make sure you post the hunt after. I'm heading out to a stand where I saw Hightower at 18 yards while setting up a stand this spring. The winds are right ,there out of the west at 6km and -2.High around 10 for 2pm. Only staying till 1pm. 1st light is 8:15 and it's now 5:45, get my morning coffee and I'm off. Good luck to those hunting this morning. Rocky
Good Luck Rocky! I'm going stir crazy waiting for Thursday's hunt If the weather cooperates, it'll be an all day sit.
Morning Sit Was a great morning to be hunting folks,the beauty God has allowed us to roam freely and see is so awesome . Got into my stand at 7:15 and all was quiet. I rattled mid weight at 8. This was the 1st morning I changed my camo and all my regular clothing for winter wear. Including the Sitka Mid weight Traverse . Let me tell you,I almost felt naked. What a feeling to wear clothing that is so light and thin. Made for walking in and out so much easier. Loved the Sitka,will buy more next year. Time to trade in my Bibs if there anything like the Mid weight base layers . As I was finishing up my sequence of rattling I got made by 2 doe's that came over the ridge that I wasn't watching. All I got to see was the white of there butts as they headed back to where they came from. As I sat back down to take in what had just happened I noticed what looked like a behive 58 yards on the other side of the marsh . Now I zoomed in my little camera for this and a better look . Back to this after the hunt. Well 9 came around fast and I brought the antlers back together for a 2nd time, just with a little more length to the grinding. I was looking the wrong way and as I grabbed my bow the buck was 12 yards away standing behind me..I froze up and let him do his thing and as I watched him walk away back up the slope I noticed he only had a single 4 inch antler on the right side of the head. So I could have used a doe tag on him if I'd been listening. It rained over night so the leaves wern't as crunchy as I thought they were . More excuses Huh! It was a long weight till 10 and I got up and doe grunted only to see a doe made me and bolted across the marsh into her bedding area. What a morning for blowing it. I think they scented me to as I didn't wear my Scent-Loc for the 1st time. I wanted to see how the Sitka did with it's supposedly scent illiminating fabric. It failed as I have been scented in the last 8 years maybe 10 times with the Scent-Loc. It did do what I wanted it to do though,that was keep me warm with less weight.. I sat the rest of the morning out just listening and was going to see what tht Blob was up in that tree on my way out. As I got down and started my way out, I put in 3 more scrapes to form a scrape line. This is what the blob was when I took a picture from underneath it .
Part 2 Here's a couple more , ,Well it was time to head out and get home. I was just about over the top of a downed tree when this scared the crap out of me lmao .I continued to take a couple more pic's as I got my self back up from the ground. . Hey Fitz,this is a lot of work but fun . I'm learning. Another 23 days till the rutt.Be safe guys. Rocky
Sounds like an entertaining hunt Rocky! I recognized the blob right away, those buggers love to chew on everything! Good to hear about the Sitka Gear. I've had my eye on it for a while. I'm going to get some before my trip out West in 2013. Today would have been a perfect afternoon in the stand... dang guests!