Start hunting and chasing these guys this Sat. and then Sept. 24 I will be after my Ohio bucks.... then in Nov. I will be in IN after a few hawgs I got over there!.... Heres a few pics of the deer im already onto.... KY Deer: OH Deer:
Morning guys! Nice, very nice team we have here, gonna be a fun season. Hunted this morning, opening morning, short hunt before work here... saw several elk and a handful of big bucks or bulls present this morning though.. all youngsters. Hitting hard again this evening after work, Opening day in Idaho! woooooo whooooo! Nice to see a bunch of old friends and I will be looking forward to getting to know all the new guys!
Sean, Good to have you back man. Thanks for your service! Those are some good looking bucks rutin' Season starts here on the 17th. I can't wait. It's been a busy summer at the resort, so up until late, hunting/scouting has been on the back burner. This week is slow, so I'm hoping to get out a had full of times to prep my stand sites and get my cameras all out. This weekend is shot, since we'll be full with guests for the holiday. Woke up two mornings ago to a temp of 41.... man I was lovin' it! So far team name ideas are: -If Looks Could Kill -Team KILL (though there is a different team kill started by VS) Any others? I'll throw in a couple. -PnY -Full Season Guess thats all I can come up with for now.
Good luck tonight shed! I'm jealous! FYI, I'm going to PM you all my cell, that way I can start a Teaser Thread this fall
Well I this is pretty darned cool, on the same team with guys I actually have hunted with Rybo and Youngfart and with all you guys that I really enjoy visiting with here online.. Fitz, VS, Rutin...and then to the newer guys ... I can't wait to get to know you all ... For the new fellas, my name is Troy, I live in northern Idaho.. will be whitetail hunting Northern Idaho, E. Washington, North Dakota, Montana (doe hunt) and possibly Ohio this year.
Fitz you Captain.. ??? or wanna be? I think you would make a great one.. Lots of guys here that would make a good captain though.. so just throwing this out there..
Yea, looks like we have some guys with some big bucks around. There's a lot of teams, but we have some serious potential here. I can start hunting does Sept 17th. Ohio comes in the 24th, and PA's regular archery the following weekend Oct 1st. It's like 3 opening days in a row. Sunday evening I saw my 1st hard horned buck. But only that one so far. I'm not good at team names or logo's so I'll let that up to you guys.
Great to see you Bro! So cool we are on the same team. Sounds like things are looking real good for you this season.. time and potential! Awesome.. tried calling ya last night. probably too late ...
Yea it was past my bedtime. I'm old & with the clock difference I was long asleep. I'll get a hold of you this week though. Good luck out there.
Im down for Dethrown.... looks like we got a killer team with tons of potential. Fitz if your up for being Capt im good with that as well! I will also throw the invite out that come late season if anyone if struggling you are more than welcome to come to OH and hunt with me. I will be hunting solid from Nov. 2-16 this year between OH & IN as long as I still have my OH tag. Either way ive got 3 states that are producing some dandies on trail cameras and I will be after them hard. P.S. I also film everything so I will show all of my killing footage as well!
Hey guys, Sorry for getting in here so late. It looks like we have a group of hunters capable of putting a big boy on the ground. I am looking forward to seeing some harvest pics to go along with the trail cam pics! I have been reading through all the posts and it sounds like a fun group. I definately like the name and logo!! By the way, my name is Dan and I live and hunt in Iowa. I do all of my deer hunting in Southern Iowa, Appanoose Co. to be exact. I have a couple of kids that keep me pretty busy with their activities, and I am trying to get my own business of the ground, but I will get as much time in a stand as I possibly can starting in October. Good Luck to everyone and I look forward to following all of your seasons. Dan Ketchum
It all sounds good to me! I am looking forward to getting to know everyone, I do not post alot but I have been on here for several years and enjoy reading everyones posts. I have been hunting all my life but just been bow hunting for 4 years and love it, I have not picked up a gun in 4 years. I have been lucky and taken 7 deer with my bow and have passed on many deer every year, So hopefully this year will produce a monster!!! If I can figure out how to post pictures I will, If not I may have to text them to one of you to get them posted on the official sight.