Ive been gone for too long. Team looks to be having some great encounters. A little update from me, wedding was awsome, reception was even better, honeymoon was the best. On our way back from STL we stopped at Cabelas and I got a new site for bow and the wife got new arrows for hers. Next day we took her arrows to get cut at our local shop, they recently had became a Muddy dealer. Browsing around and I decided to pick up 2 sets of sticks and the harness clips. These are really nice, cant wait to hang my next set with 'em. Just checked trail cams yesterday, I have one decent 8 with lots of little guys. Now I have to sight in my bow and ill hopefully be out tomorrow evening. Thats when the father-in-law is due back from CO from his hunting trip and maybe he will sit that night too. Then we'll be at the big farm where I have a greater chance of killing something big. A couple are of the 8, one of a small buck with a drop tine, smaller bucks, and a bambi that is a late birth. I have other trail cam shots of fawns that have almost lost there spots at this same time. My other cam has all the doe/fawns, I have them timed down to when they like to pass. Every few mornings between 8-9 am. I hardly have any of them traveling the other way in evening hours. They make a big circle and I would love to know if they make their way back through my land or not.
Alright, conditions are favorable, so Hunt 4 is about to commence. Just need to shower and throw my camo together. I'll be headed back to the beaverdam crossing. Anxious to see if the rain over the last few days brought the water level up in the creek!
Troy Nice getting the meat for the family down and out of the way ,specially a young spike elk. Nice to be able to get 2 tags for Bulls. How's that? Gotta like that huh! Kskcheche Again congrats on the wedding and the start to a new life, good luck on your hunt tonight with your inlaw or father LOL. I myself choose not to go out this am again due to the heat, but am heading out at 11 till dark today as the Moose still need to breed and are in full swing of the rut, so most of my hunt will be dedicated to moose, just not looking forward to being so undressed for this time of year. No baselayers, no wind proof clothing, no coat,I guess I'll see what it's like to hunt down in the south today!!! Who knows ,maybe I'll get a feel for it and want to move south.Dought it though Temp is 52 right now and going up to 90 by 3 ,right now it's 9:45. Rocky
See anything Fitz? I got an invite to some decent property for our opener on October 1st. I am getting excited and my shooting is looking good. Time to bring it!
Got Out Almost got dehydrated today with the heat and to much clothing,only had on bottle of water and by 3 I was starting to feel faint. I had to leave and got out by 4. Got drawn on a doe early but didn't seal the deal as she just skirted out of my comfort zone. She knew something was up and came to see what all the noise was about when I got into my stand. Dang thistle is neck high in there. Had another doe at 40 yards but choose not to take the shot. Then the bull came in at 12 and I got down and made my stalk. That's where every thing went wrong with the water and all. I chased this bull for 3 hours and every time I came around a point or corner he would bolt. Just couldn't get the wind working for me. Was fun while it lasted. If I would have arrowed that bull I would have been in trouble for sure with dehydration. My be it was all for not but it might have saved me. Not sure if I'm going out in the am, I want too but the body say's no,LOL. I'll check in the morning when the alarm goes at 4am. Good luck to those hunting! Rocky
Nice Captain! I got the text but no pics.. Figured you had blood on your hands, big congrats. Yup BC, non resident left overs for elk, same with my extra whitetail tag. Great morning for me, watched a herd bull bring his cows up the mountain and bed down about 400 yards from me, I thought about crawling out of the stand and going after him but I wanted to hold tight for a shot at a good buck moving back to bed this morning. No bucks ever showed. Had a football game of my sons this afternoon..so back after it in the morning where those elk are.
Boy, look at you guys go! Congrats Fitz! Be careful Rockstar! Rock, I pulled a Booner muley from the feild tonight. I'll get the pictures in my team thread tomorrow
Alright Fitz! The hounds are on the loose! And congratulations to you Will, I can't wait to seet the pics.
Good to see stuff hitting the ground! Two more weeks of elk then it's back to deer. heading in this week after the 330" bull I had the run in with. Several miles deep. KILL face will be on the whole way. I have been skipping out on wearing my warrior paint due to the hot weather. I believe that is my downfall on sucess A set will be purchased when I get to work today.
Sweet! I also got the text with no pic so I knew something was DEAD!!! Tonight is the first night im getting to hunt my home state here in OH so im going after Titan right from the get go! Either was theres a couple good bucks on the property I just hope they cooperate!
Good job Fitz! Not much excitement for me this weekend, either fawns or no deer at all in range. But later this week I am gonna hit it hard after work for a few days and hopefully put something down before our general PA season opens.