I also just finished putting together my Kill Kit (or Buck Bag). It's a small pack that'll stay in the canoe/Lodge containing: Knife & Swingblade tracking light string for tagging GPS extra batteries for GPS & Headlamp my Drag Buddy (for slickheads) Saw for splitting pelvis Small tripod for photos Every thing I need after an arrow gets released
Fitz Did you get out this morning? I didn't get up to the alarm.Daughter had a change of heart and decided to have her dinner for Sunday night and I got carried away and watched a movie on TV late last night. I'll get out for an evening hunt tonight and I will get up for a morning hunt tomorrow. I got to get a doe down early in the season, so I can dedicate my time to the Moose and Elk and Whitetail bucks.My Elk tag is a draw so I'm committed to hunt them in late October and November. Tough to hunt them then in the snow, or should I say tougher than during the rut when you can call them in. Rybo must be on stand or else has got a doe down, as he hasn't showed up yet! Hope so, LOL. Talk to you's after the hunt tonight. Rocky
Well he said he had a pine marten @ 5 yards and it was 4:25 pm. No more posts after that. I am thinking the pine marten attacked him and by now a search party is involved looking for him. I would be looking for an alternate if I was you guys !! just sayin... Tim
Dang As I was walking in tonight at 5pm I saw ears moving. I stopped and got my glasses out and it was a cow Moose at 35 yards. Bedded 18 yards in front of my stand. I looked a few more times and then took of my fanny pack and decided to go for her. Well I nocked an arrow and stood up and started my move forward. I was about to bend under some branches when she got nervous and walked away. I got in my stand and had moose talking all night. AT 7 a young 4inch spike still in velvet bolted out from under my stand and stood broadside for a minute and then moved of into the bush. He kept looking back from where he came from,I was thinking a bigger fella was pushing him so I got ready again. Never happened so that ended a great night on stand. Got my SD cards out after being in for a 6 weeks. One 4x4 ,maybe 125 ,lots of moose and does. I was going to head out in the morning but I got back to late, so I'm sleeping in. BAck at it later on in the week for an evening sit. Troy, the deer are hitting that scape stuff and the licking branch stuff too, even got a cow moose after the licking brach stuff too on video. If you want to see it, let me know and I'll forward it to you. Not sure how to post video's on this site. Rocky
Fairly uneventful day yesterday. Nothing at all from stand in the morning, but there was a nice buck in my yard when I went to head back to the woods. I just made some "normal" noise around my garage until he decided to move off, rather than spooking him by walking at him. The evening was a little more eventful, I hunted another property. Found a treestand freshly hung in the tree I had planned to hunt...so that saved me having to set things up myself. One of the other guys that hunts the property has literally dozens upon dozens of stands hung and any and every even remotely decen't looking spot on the property. At first I was a little put off by it, but he doesn't care if I hunt them, so I'm not gonna worry about it either. I tried for the longest time to give him space, but he has the entire place covered, and he only hunts a few days during the rut, it's not worht me stressing over. I had a fawn, 2 coons, 6 gobblers & a ground hog come by. I passed on the fawn, it was 5 minutes into my sit.
Sorry for leaving you guys hanging! Had a very interesting hunt. Didn't see a deer, but I had a young bull moose circle my stand, then come straight in to about 4 yards! Man it was cool! There's more details and posted video in my Hunting Journal Thread. The link is in my signature Haven't decided if I'm going to go out tonight or not. It's raining right now, but I think it's supposed to taper off this afternoon.
Fitz Is there not a season for Moose or do you have to put in for a draw on them? We up here during bow season can buy over the counter tags on Moose for almost anywhere in the province. The tag is good for either sex and calf. Same with elk, but not deer. Go figure on the last!!!! Rybo How's your feeling about using someone else's stands? Do you inspect them before use before the season? Just a safety thought, I know if I found someone in my stands ,I'd have him thrown off the property and charged. I put to much effort to have someone else I don't know using them and stinking them up for me. Had that happen a few years back. I couldn't figure out why I wasn't seeing any deer in this good stand I had up. Low and behold I found the culprit and had him kicked off the property with the threat of being charged if he were caught trespassing again. By no means am I saying your stinking up his stands ,I was just pointing out something that can happen and does happen. Nice to have that as a option. Rocky
YF, Currently the MN moose tag is a resident only once in a life time lottery. I haven't put in yet, but I may start. The tag is a party tag also, so you need 2-5 people, and wether or not you get a bull, you are all done... forever.
Rocky, Last night was the 1st time I've actually done it. When I 1st met this guy years ago he acknowledged he had a lot of stands around and didn't mind if I used them. But I don't like doing that, a lot for the saftey reasons you mentioned, many of this guy's stands have been in place for the 8+ years I've hunted there and I don't know how often he checks them. MANY times I have usually climbed up my own tree just a few yards from one of his stands, but in last night's case, there is only that one tree & now he's "claimed" it. We both have just as much right to those woods, I don't feel it's fair for him to think just becuase he has 20-30 treestands hung all the place, that he get's to "reserve" all those spots. Which he doesn't seem to take that attitude, but I still try and avoid hunting from his stands.
Well gents Ive been hunting hard in KY and there was one night I didnt have access to a four wheeler to get up to my ridge top stand and low and behold..... the buck im after shows up in DAYLIGHT!!!! Talk about bummed... so close to him, yet so far. I was at the bottom of the holler and he was a 1/4 mile straight up from me!!!! Ill post pics in the trail cam section.
Good luck out there guys! Yesterday there was a crappy SE wind, which in combination with the rain made me pull the plug on sitting out. Today is going to be nice (a little too nice, 70) with a WNW wind which is perfect for setting up north of the inlet in the new area I've been scouting. I'm hoping to head out just before 2. I'm going to check my camera also Looking at photos in the stand should distract me for a bit...
Good weekend here, minus flinging any arrows. Hunted my honey hole for the first time. Cameras produced big time with 4 solid 4.5 year olds and older... at one standsite! Then one other big boy at a different standsite on cam. 3 bucks of which I have been keeping tabs on for 3 years, passing them up over the past 3. Then a new guy showed up.. heck of a buck! I saw while on stand 3 of the 5 big bucks I have in there on trail cam. Bummer was they all worked passed me, going back into the big timbered side.. Sat morning..at ranges of 100-130 yards.. Man did these big boys look awesome in hard antler.. I have them all on trail cam so I will post some pix guys.. Hunting that same stand tonight, trying to catch any of the big boys coming back out to feed in the cut. Its a big area, 50 acre clear cut they are feeding and bedding in at night, exiting in the a.m. for big timber mountainside..so I hope I pick the right saddle.. I have 3 stands up there in three different saddles.. I was one saddle off on Sat.. Hunted closer to home last night.. 3 does under stand.. thats it..
Troy Will you take a doe if presented the shot? Just wondering as it's 50 points! Also if you scroll back a few post of mine I mentioned the Buckfever product. Read it and let me know if you want to see any of the video's! Rocky