I would agree... the last week of Oct. can be awesome! Same local bucks getting on there feet and marking territories, def a good time to hunt over scrape lines.
Shed, your life sounds a lot like mine. My wife is a highschool basketball coach and with my three kids we are VERY busy each and every day. My 7 year old son started football this year so both my oldest daughter and him have games all weekend long.
October hunt Thanks for the heads up. I will start planning an October hunt up north. Hope to get out sept.17th when it opens here. Keep up the good hunting and I hope to help the team....
Well Guy' s I got my tags tonight and some more broadhead's and also broke down and bought a broadhead target too. Tags came to $178 and I still need my Elk tag? Another 35. Add a few more secret's from Cabelas and I spent $370 tonight with out the wife knowing. Not true LOL. I proceeded to dial in my Tekans and Montec's and voila! Bang-On. Got to 32 today and there calling for 31 tomorrow ,or close to what Troy is experiencing ,90's temps. River float might be cancelled due to the temps so I might be able to sneak a morning hunt on Saturday. Maybe I can cut High Tower off before he get's back to his bedding area. Been on the wrong side of this buck for 3 years now and maybe just maybe I can stick this 200 + incher. Good luck to those who are hunting. Rocky
Fitz Id be lying if I said I wouldn't ! I've had a few run in's with him and he always seems to come in on a blind side every time. Had him at 18 yards last year but he came in behind a willow bush and out to the field. He was close to 200'' then and the year before I had him in close twice. He then was a good 180''ish ,this time he was leading out 16 does ,count them 16 does to the field during the rut. I was in a stand 35 yards away from his funnel to the field. Early in September that year I had him circle the willows which are in a circle around a 60 acre circle of bush. He was in shooting distance but behind the safety of the willows all the time he circled the willows and me. I watched him rake the willows freshen up a few scrapes and walk out of my life for another 2 months. The stand I put up 3 weeks ago is hopefully the nail in his coffin. This is a highway where 60% of the deer make their way through the fence from the bedding area to the fields for the food. I've seen this buck over the last 3 years use this trail 3 times from other stand locations. Never wanted to disturb this trail and I still won't cause it's 22yards out of the way from where they come from. If he don't come,I'll get over it,but come rut time ,I'll be sitting a few days here Rocky
Rocky, sounds like you are seriously motivated by all those big buck sightings. I know I would be if I had a couple of deer like that running around where I hunt. I hope you get out in the woods this weekend and your payday in the form of High Tower arrives soon. Brett
Good luck Rocky.... I would have a hard time sleeping at night with a buck like that running around. I would spend everyday looking at the moon, wind, temp, and pressures to kill a biggin like that, oh wait I do, do all that for a simple 140 class lol! Good luck man! I love hearing stories about people with history and it turning out in their favor! Headin to KY in 2 hours!!!! Hope the big guy is still hanging around
4 cows, 2 spike bulls and one 2x2 bull last night.. 35 yards broadside all of them .... where is the big boy??? Back at it again to night!
All that stuff sounds like something that would be handy in a journal LOL! I am sure I am not alone, but you guys that are already in full hunting mode are killing me. My season doesn't even open for 3 weeks and I might not get out until 2 weeks after that Oh well, I guess I will just have to live through all your hunts, so go kill something
I know its kind of hard to see, but here's some of the land I'll be hunting. In the SW corner of the photo you can see a clump of trees that I've been wanting to scout badly, but I haven't had the opportunity, so it looks like I'll just still hunt my way there some time this early season. The 2 southern most red markers are two of my stand sets, the other two markers are in the area I'll most likely do some run & gun sits. The remaining 3 yellow markers are where my trail cams are currently located. The southern one is where I got the photos of Blade. The northwest one is a new spot, but near where we've gotten many photos of Blade in the past. Also near where the Beast's picture was taken. I'm itching so bad to get in the woods. 80's this weekend, then cooling into the 70s & 60s early in the week. Possible highs in the 50s by weds and lows in the 30's (possibly high 20s!). Soon I can start looking at opener's forecast
Troy Good luck getting your Bull, Rutin put some bone on the ground in Kentucky, Fitz your time will come as will it for you too DTK913. Patience is the Word , LOL. Guess I can't get in there in the AM, wrong wind North wind when there coming from the fields which are South of my stand. Maybe Sunday! Rocky
Sitka Got mine in the mail from Cabela's today, I got the mid layer Merano Wool Stuff. I can't believe how thin and comfortable it is. I just hope it does what it say's it'll do! Fit's like a glove and holy Mackeral, is it warm. Got rid of the wool pants and retired my vest I had made 16 years ago with windstopper in it. The vest will be for cross country skiing now. The pants get retired to the Garbage Can. Hated how they felt against my skin. Come on Mid October for some snow so I can start to wear it ! Pricey,yeah! $300.00 for a base layer. My wife found out she'd choke me out . I can see me getting good use out of this clothing. Five stars for the make. The test will still be needed to be made to make my final opinion on it! Let you know when it happens :confused Rocky
Congrats on the new gear rocky. I've been looking at Sitka for awhile. I'm interested to see how you like it as the season progresses.
I have been using Sitka almost exclusively for a few years now, if you guys have any questions on any of their products feel free to ask or PM, I deal with this stuff everyday.... I love my job