What did you use? I set up 3 mock scrapes with buck Fever Forehead Gland/re-Rut scents and hat little to no action. Over half my bucks are still in velvet though.
well . . . . . . . .. . i used an idiot stick to cut the grass away to bare dirt, "pawed" it out with my shoe then i peed in it. i do them like that all the time. if the branch is low enough i will pull it down and pee on that too.
I started one last weekend with tinks scrape starter & stuck a cam on it. I pee'd on it too, as usual. We'll see what happens... I've never used that tinks product before.
I got ahead of myself tack another week onto that waiting game oh man its killing me Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk
He certainly looks like an older buck, but his antlers don't necessarily reflect that status unless he's already going downhill...
Yeah the nubby brows don't make him attractive as an antler trophy. it could just be his genetics; he may not ever have good brow tines. You have any history with him?
No. This is the first year we are hunting this property. We have had 5 bucks 3+ yr olds on our cameras there but only one that looked like one I might want to shoot but he was only on camera once in July.
Very nice. Checking cams on Tuesday. Very excited to see what we have. Sent from my iPad somewhere in the world