We need to finalize the team name and nominate a captain. I would do it but I have several work trips coming up, moving into a new house and our first kid on the way. I will spend my free time in the woods but would hate to miss something that a captain is responsible for. Can everyone agree on Sons of Archery? Let's try and finalize both by Sunday night. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
i'm pretty sure the consensus was to go with Sons Of Archery and Evil volunteered to be our leader. both of which are ok by me
got the thread changed, had to have Fitz do it. I will try to find some time to work up an avatar. anyone have any ideas? i was going to try to keep it close to the Sons or Anarchy logo. let me know.
The landowner on one of the properties I hunt has always had restrictions on his land. In the past, I could shoot does any mature buck with 8pts or more. This season, all bucks are off limits. Good thing it is not the only place I have to hunt. There are only a handful of people allowed on his place and they are all trustworthy. I have yet to take a buck off of there anyway. Plan to just hunt it in the early season and save my honey holes for the rut.
I just moved yesterday so I don't have any access to my laptop or internet but I like the idea of keeping with the SOA logo. If somebody could superimpose a grim reaper over a set of antlers that would look great! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
5 day growth on my food plot (Monster Raxx Custom Blend and some Clover). And I filled my feeders and placed some strategic corn piles spruced up with Big and J for our early season stand sites.
Does the Big & Jay work? No idea, never used it. But a lot of the pros like it and it smells awesome. I like to use something attractive on new corn piles to get the deer to find em. As for the plot...first year. Spent all summer clearing, spraying, tilling and liming it. Last year i made two of similar size on another property that failed. I didn't lime and just used throw and grow...it didn't get nearly enough sun either.
We got rain! According the the radar all but one of my spots got significant rainfall last night. BOOM!
I've used Big and J with good results in the past. Like Caleb said I use it as an attractant to new food and to bring them into cameras. It smells great! I'm gonna get out this weekend and put out their block at my small acre spot with the attractant on top. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Food plots are an attractive idea. So many times they fail around here and with 1,000's of acres of farm crops available to the deer I have a hard time justifying the time and expense. One of these days . . . .
I thought the same thing (our lot is surrounded by 3 large AG farms) But when the crops are cut for the year, with out the food plot, late season hunting becomes a thing more of luck and timing then anything for us. We have recently started to add a small plot, and have noticed a change in the amount of deer traveling our small lot and also seeing them after the AG fields are cut.
My deer also have an unlimited supply of corn, beans and alfalfa. Right now, I'm hoping that keeps the deer occupied enough for my plot to grow. I'm really excited for late October/early November when the beans are gone, the farmers are taking the corn down and the alfalfa is mowed off. That's when a small, secluded food plot is a great place for bucks to check out does and do a little browsing themselves. This new one I made is located in a natural travel corridor where 2 valleys meet, creating 3 small "ridges". I have always had a mock scrape here that got heavy use, so the bucks already travel it during the rut.