Hey guys, Carnivore1 checking in. I'm from and hunt in Northeast Kansas. Sons of Archery works for me too. Looking forward to a good season!
Hey Carnivore, well the gang is checked in! Sons of Archery seems to be good with everyone so far. If no one want's to be captain, i can do it. lets get a few more to comment on the name and see if anyone else wants to be captain.
Not sure if anyone has used it before, but there is an app called groupme. Allows group chats. I set up a group for the team. You're invited to my new group "BH.com Team 28" on GroupMe. https://groupme.com/join_group/9616096/dVoQpU is the link to join the group. I will work on an aviator for the group when I get a minute.
Here is a quick avatar before i head to bed. I will work up a couple different ones. Let me know if you want something in it. Was maybe thinking of finding a reaper with a bow... kinda keep with the SOA theme Also season Starts Oct 1st here..... to far away!!
I don't have any shooters on camera yet. One of the properties I hunt the land owner has all bucks off limits. There should be some real toads on there next year. He has 880 acres and limits access to hunting.
This is the last piece of back strap I have. Only one package of tenderloin and 10 lbs of ground left. Deer season can't get here soon enough.