True. And let's be honest it can be done and easily. If everyone kills a doe and half kill a respectable buck, you win!
I screwed up last year and in the end did not kill a doe. I had plenty of chances early and passed thinking I could kill a doe any given day... Well after killing a nice buck, I never got a good shot on a doe. I won't pass a good shot on a doe this year.
The buck in my avatar is my contribution to last seasons team. He scored 111 3/4 along with a doe for 161 3/4. The important thing is that everyone get their 50 pts as soon as possible. If we can stay in the pack we have a chance. It seems like the winning teams start fast and end fast. For those that are new, remember the rules for the pictures. Two different pics with you, your bow and the deer. People will help you with scoring when necessary. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Last year my team jumped out to an early lead killing does. We just couldn't put down enough bucks. I missed 130+" 10pt.
Ive already been on teams named Knocked Up and Silent but Deadly. Ill post some suggestions tomorrow.
Names Mark, I live in central WI. I have a hunted planed for the first week of Nov. in west central IL. Did some scouting down there this past spring found a great new spot. Don't have any target bucks, just hoping for a chance at a good buck and taking a doe. Other then that don't know how much I'll get out.
Hey guys Alan from Kansas. I'll do my best to put points on the board for us. My season starts sept 1st. I haven't read through the entire thread yet so haven't seen all the name suggestions I have one to submit though. S.O.A.-Sons Of Archery. I'll get on this evening after I get off work. I have been checking in to see if the teams were picked but guess I missed it some how.
a little about me. this will be my 27th season bowhunting. i live in central kansas and hunt several properties scattered from here north to nearly the nebraska state line. me and my son hunt together and shoot 3D all summer and got started in field and fita this summer as well. i'm a pretty hardcore deer hunter, it's about all i think about year round, as soon as my buck is down i start thinking and planning for next season. i think if one of you guys wants to be captain that would be awesome, much better to have someone that wants to take charge be in charge than sticking someone with it. i like to get my doe out of the way early but will kill one when it's convenient for me since i do my own processing i need it to be cool enough to let hang over night in my garage. this is my buck from last season, not huge but too good to pass up and probably in the top three or four of what we had on our places. let's see some of the bucks (or does) you guys have taken.
Prolly cause you attached it directly in the message. If you use photobucket or a similar image hosting service and link to there they will display full size.
awww photobucket!!! that thing is a pain. well here goes. sorry for the double post but those small pics won't do
Hey guys we're on page two! That's not gonna work. What do you guys shoot? I have been hunting with an elite GTO since I bought it new in 2008. Have a few other bows that I shoot 3D with but always take the GTO to the stand.
I shoot a Mission Riot. Bought it new 3 years ago i think. Just upgraded my arrows to Carbon Express Heartattacks and having some fun getting everything set for Oct 1st.
With 1 Left to Check in, we should pick out a name and a captain. Names that have been said: Breaking Bone S.O.A.-Sons Of Archery Deadly Obsession View to a Kill Meglarackesourus marauders Archerologists Blackstrap boys SBD - silent but deadly The grunt group Almost Lethal Broadhead Mofia Antler Addicts Nocked Up I think i like Sons of Archery the best.
I'm good with Sons of Archery. As far as my bow, I've been shooting a Bowtech Allegiance since 2009. My next bow will hopefully be the Insanity CPXL. I need a bow that goes up to at least 32" DL.