Hey Tony... when you gonna get rid of the tiny-acious signature? Maybe that's just a constant reminder of what it's gonna be like again this year??? So close but yet so far away :D
Just keeping it as a reminder for you guys that even the best team ever assembled can be beat ... and y'all are far from us
I've decided Tony hangs around our page so much because he just likes being in the prescence of winners. Way to keep improving yourself Tony.
I know you said you would fix it for us Dawg, guess you couldnt figure out how to do it the right way...so I took care of it for you
Hey Tom, leave a little of your good luck in Minnesota for me so maybe I can get my first bear in 2 weeks. I'm so excited it's not even funny! Sure would like to get my first one Hope to see some pics of a good kill from you too
I have an all day meeting at work tomorrow and then its off to Colorado Until September 4 for elk and mulies, season opens the 25th...tis the season. rk...good luck with your bear, from what I've been reading the MN natural food crop isnt great, so that could bode well for your baits. TOm good luck in ND!
It's not who is the best team but who has Buddha Ray(Racewayking) Buddha Ray has been on three of four winning bowhunting.com deer contest teams.
Have received some bad news over the past 1.5 weeks around here locally. I have lost access to 2 properties due to new owners. One of them I have hunted for 25 years and actually harvested my first doe and buck on that property, but also tagged a CWD positive 10 pointer in '09 on that same property. I can't complain though as the property was never mine! I knew it was going to happen eventually. I will still have access (hopefully) to my buddies small tract of land where Cyclops swings by every now and then. That is it within 30 minutes. Luckily, I can hunt some family property 2.5 hours away, but the hunting pressure around there is rather intense...especially once any of the gun seasons begin. My best bet for adding point to this team is some public land that I have been hunting for a number of years 5 hours south of here. Have taken my 2 biggest archery bucks on that property.