try this one if u can't get it to work. if not you can try to download it or send me an email at [email protected] and i can email it to ya. then you can upload it that way.
Vacation Starts... NOW! I'm up and having my morning coffee. Gonna be heading to the woods in about an hour. Saw a dandy by the road on way to work yesterday at 2pm. Buddy saw a monster 30 yrds off road on his way in. Hope that means they're gonna be moving good now. I'm taking decoy to new spot to see if I can draw some action. Think I'll leave the antlers off of it and maybe they will come in lookin for love LOL. Good luck everybody
Congrats both of you with your bucks! Nice job! I just returned from nearly a week hunting west-central IL public land that has been really good to me the past 3 years with a 131" (taken last year after I shot my 100" 8 pointer in WI), 148" and 152". Unfortunately, the largest buck I saw all week was a forkhorn nudging a doe around. I saw only 5 deer the entire week while in multiple stand sets. My trail camera really told the story too as I only had pics of does and that forkhorn. Supposed to go back this coming Tuesday and bow hunt until the start of the gun season. Also, it rained everyday after my neighbor went home with his RV. Kinda frustrating not seeing deer mixed with staying in a tent in wet, cold conditions! My neighbor and his brother-in-law were down for 5 days prior to my arrival and the largest buck they saw was a 6 pointer. Bucks have to have 4 points per side to be taken legally on this property. There were lots of immature bucks, button bucks and does around the campground that people killed. That is going to hurt for years on this public land. Just a year ago you would get laughed at if you brought a 2.5 yr old buck or younger or a doe back to the campgound! It looks like the economy might be driving a lot of these guys to shoot whatever they have walk past them. Doing lots of laundry and trying to dry my tent and tarps today. Will be back at it this PM or later this week around here to see if I can get Cyclops on his feet during daylight hours! Again, great job guys! I hope to add to our score and get my hands on some antlers real soon here.
Looks like there are a lot of bucks dropping. anyone have any luck, or going out this weekend? I'll be out starting tomorrow night. bringing a decoy with me hoping to draw in a good buck, but would also tag a doe if one comes in range. good luck guys.
I have been taking it pretty slow lately, I can only shoot two more does this year. I will shoot one with my .44, so I will wait a bit to shoot another one with my bow. Also, my fuel pump went out in my truck, so I have to fix that this weekend. Good luck to everyone getting out this weekend, I think it will be a great time to be in the woods in KS.
I need doe and all i can see are bucks out here in western wisconsin. Heading home now hopefully get one there. Sent from my XT897 using Tapatalk 2
I almost had us at least 140 points late this morning. It started raining bad and the wife was blowing up my phone from Texas because I needed to run home to let the dogs out. While the rain was getting heavy I snuck out of the tree and decided to stalk and see if any of the deer were bedded where they had been last weekend. As I crept I was on a small trail and at 10 yards a small 6 stepped out and took off 50 yards and turned. I stayed still and he eventually went on. Then I spotted a doe at the edge of the woods so I slowly crept until I had a shooting lane if she came my way. Sure as snot she did and I was at full draw when she was broadside and then I saw her look back. I looked out the corner of my left eye and there was what looked like a solid 145 or bigger ten. Suddenly she looked at me and bolted along with the ten that was about 15 yards behind her. Think I know what stand I will be hunting in the morning. I'm also heading back out in a bit, gonna try to whack a nanny or buck if I get lucky.
Sounds like an awesome hunt, Jason. Good luck this afternoon. Is it windy there like it is here? I'm cutting firewood right now and I can't hardly stand up during some of the gusts.
Yeah, it is windy and picking up. I plan to hunt the morning, went back in this afternoon and it appears the doe was a button buck. There is a depression that is about 15x15 and they have been bedding there for a while, they were the does my buddy thought he bumped last Sunday in the dark walking in. There are four trails going into the depression, two are heavily used from the looks of it, also had a few rubs in front of it. I'm gonna head in extra early and hope they come in just after shooting light or will be sitting waiting if they get there earlier.
I was in stand for 12 1/2 hrs yesterday. Saw 5 does, 3 of which were yearlings, and a little spike buck hot on one of the does butt. Was like riding a bull sittin in a tree in that wind. Nothing in range tho. The big boys must have been bedded due to wind. Guy hit a nice 8 1/4 mile down the road last nite after dark. I'm taking today off to catch up on stuff around the house. Winds are supposed to be horrible today anyway. Hope to get one more sit in Monday as that's last day of vacation