Well boys this is going to be even more fun than last year. I love all the trash talk back and forth, I just hope some of the ones who like to give it can also take it or we might have to give out a box or 2 of these...
You better monster size that box when you guys lose this year BAHHHHHH BAMMMMMM Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2
Keep talking smack you'll be in the TV stand Do you wanna get bit by another boxer Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2
Last night I was out scouting but nothing big was out that I could see. I am having all kinds of probs with my game cams too. I am pulling out this morning and see if I can send them in to get checked out.
Well, it seems like all that I have lately is bad news. Looks like I am losing access to my 3rd property in 2 weeks!! Got word this morning that unless I can come up with more money than I have I will lose access to the property I planned on hunting opening morning in less than 3 weeks. Fergus, if your reading this, I'm glad you could not accept my offer to hunt with me!! The landowner a few months ago placed the property into WI's private land/public land access to reduce his taxes. The neighboring landowners got upset and were demanding that he removes the public access. To help out, our group offered to pay the landowner's taxes as long as we can have sole hunting rights to the property (it is only 43 acres) other than his sons. He agreed on Saturday. Flash forward to this AM. The landowner (by the way a relative) calls up my Dad and tells him that another neighbor his his offered 62% more per year and will give the landowner (2) years up front. If the landowner agrees to this we lose access and I have to remove my stands ASAP. We would like to counter-offer, but two of the guys in our group including me are the sole providers of our families. My Dad is on a fixed income and the 4th guy just took a huge pay cut to get out of management. It is really crappy that the almighty dollar dictates hunting.
Wow rizzo, that really sux! We're still waiting to hear on one of our properties. Hoping that no news is good news. I'll be hoping for the best for ya man
Sorry to hear, I am down to one spot unless I take some friends up on their offers to hunt a few times on their leases and properties
If it would have happened earlier in the year I would be fine, but not less than 3 weeks prior to the season. I have really busted my @ss the last couple of years on this property for not only hunting, but also just cleaning up the trails and CRP edges for the landowner.
Sorry to hear that Rizzo... I too lost a spot this year, they are worried about the deer's health because of the drought this year. Hopefully get to hunt it again next year.
Hey there Cole. I was going to choose you for the largest gross scoring buck thread, but someone beat me to choosing you. I still have a piece of private land in WI and a small piece in IL for this year. My 2 largest scoring bucks came from public land that I am going to hunt 2-3 times this year now versus my normal once/year.
Sorry to hear that Rizzo, that sucks finding out that close to the season. Sounds like one less family member for the christmas card list. Good luck I am with Cole and think this is going to be a great year for you
It does not have a captain listed for us just a name in the name and captain thread. I vote Tony stays on as captain as long as we can keep this run going
That sucks Rizzo. Was actually gonna give you a call thia week to discuss it. Drove through your town yesterday and was thinking about it. Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2
Sounds like you need to extend an invite to Rizzo since you have the "Big Buck Mecca" to hunt this year.