How many have still yet to enter bucks they’ve killed? We are at 700 something points and I️ feel like we have at least 1 that’s not being counted. Beetle, did they give you credit for yours or have you entered it yet? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Looks like we have beetles and Frenchbritts bucks to go. Probably be around 230-240 points and we are at 725 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My didn’t count yet. I had a brain fart, I’ll get it as soon as possible. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Here’s the video of my buck for those that would like to watch it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm still out spending hours upon hours out in the stand - Just have had the worst luck this year - have been getting mature bucks in range and finally had a shot at one and arrow clipped a small twig I didn't see and clean missed the deer. Glad it was a clean miss and not a bad shot. Have about another week till gun season opens up and then late season. I'll get one down sooner or later for the team!
might have to use a doe for my second deer gun opens on Monday and public ground is worthless afterwards I'll have to see what happens today
Keep after it guys and gal. Let’s hear some updates from everyone. We are still in the thick of it so keep grinding out there everyone. Every point counts. I wonder how Pitman is doing, he’s usually on deer Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Got the Skull back. I had my taxidermist measure it so I could recored the score. I originally scored it at 106", but after redoing it and using a calculator to help with the math this time I got 108 1/8". The Breakdown has been added now and hopefully the score card will get updated. I'm still working on a Doe. Gun season has slowed me down but I have a spot that has always been good for me after gun season. So we will see. Congrats and good luck to everyone
Sorry no points for our team BUT I had a great day bow hunting yesterday Yesterday I headed out to bow hunt IDNR public land. With the recent prescribed burn they did there and the 36 mph winds and it was the day after the firearm season I wasn't very optimistic of killing a buck. But I found a new area with great buck sign so I located my tree and rode out the high winds in my climber. Just before 4pm a young 9 point stood under my platform and as I watched him walking away I saw another deer and it had a dark body... then I saw his antlers and I knew he was a shooter .... at 18 yards I released my arrow and heart shot him... he ran a big circle around me and died 7 yards from my tree... I was in disbelief and shaking. He was a 10 point but had broken off his G4's on both sides so he was now an 8 point, here is where he died by me. So Im now tagged out on bucks here in Illinois. Thank you Lord for giving me this wonderful life !!!!!!
Who still needs to put a Buck or a Doe down. Looks like we are in 4th right now. I still need a Doe. We are still in it. Good luck Sent from my iPhone using Forums
hunting nw Ohio all the deer I've seen were skirting the public ground just too much pressure hoping one makes a mistake
I hunt NE Ohio. I’ve been dealing with the same issue. I’ve found luck in my area in the past with little secluded areas on public land that many people either don’t know it’s public or just never hunt it. Best of luck to you. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
So... this morning looking out the window at our new house saw 8 deer in the front yard. Might just put up a feeder and and shoot one out my kitchen window. Even saw a decent sized buck
How’s everyone’s season wrapping up?? We had a great, highly competitive team here. It’s been a pleasure to be on a team with you all Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I’m still trying to get a Doe. It’s been really cold. I’ve seen a few at last light but nothing in range. Sent from my iPhone using Forums