Can someone put an estimate on this deer's age. I'm thinking 1.5? And I've got some unexpected company...
I would agree, really big bodied 1 1/2'r. One carrying a purse and the other rolling his shirt up, you must be hunting in Cali?
So I have this guy comming in just about every day (These 2 pics are the best.. so far). I'm bad at guessing score . If nothing else bigger comes in I may have to try my luck with him
I'd 120's 130's at best. He's wide but horns look thin Sent from my iPhone using Forums
1.5 on the buck age. Beetle, If you were looking for some opinions on score I would say hes around 110. I was going to guess lower, but after seeing that side shot he does have pretty good mass that he carries through his main beams. Here is a pic of my best buck on camera for this season. Opener is a week from today!
Beetle I'd put that buck right around 105-115 . Iowa public land is a zoo! I have my best luck walking into marshes and hunting small patches of timber during rut - not many people willing to slug through a marsh to shoot a buck and then have to drag it out - I've seen some of my biggest bucks smack dab in the middle of marshes . They don't get that big being dumb .
Yesterday I did some stand work, checked the cams (they did not disappoint), hung some drippers on some mock scrapes, and cleaned up some shooting lanes. I'm only running cams on 2 properties I hunt. The picture is of my number one hit list buck I believe he is 7 1/2 years old we have had pics for 5 years and we think he was a 2 year old at that time. I'm thinking around 175-180 gross score Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
He is on his down slope for sure, as a 3 year old he had a 8" split droptine. I've only seen him in the daytime one time Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Checked in with Fitz and we should be good to go. I notified him that Thwack1 hadn't checked in yet as well Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Anyone been out so far? Not much chatter so I figured everyone was putting in work! Lol. Jk. I'm heading out to sit a few tomorrow. May drop a nanny head just to get us on the board and some meat in the freezer Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Mine starts Saturday but it has been in the low 90s all week. Temps are supposed to drop to the 60s by tomorrow and hopefully stays that way. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Been sending allot of arrows down range these past few weeks. Starting to feel pretty good this is my 60 group from tonight Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
How do you like the maxima reds? I'm thinking about switching from my GT hunters or Maxima red SDs... Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Who was out this morning? I had 3 doe and a small buck come about 100 yrd from my stand. I'll have to try again tonight. Hope to get some points on the board and some meat for the freezer. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Im headed out tomorrow evening. It’s been WAY too hot in my area. Upper 80’s. And if that’s not enough the helicopter’s with needles attached to their noses (also known as our giant mosquitoes) have been really bad. They laugh at your thermacell as they carry it away from you! Sent from my iPhone using Forums