Friend mine dropped one this morning. check out the junk. Plenty of battle scares and a broken a broke prattle off his left side. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
My Tapatalk keeps locking up, so I haven’t been able to look over the comments from this weekend. Hope there was some success. Wasn’t for me, lol. Seen one deer while hunting all weekend... my camera should have had a couple hundred pics of deer but instead had about a dozen deer and a pile of dogs.... Way less buck sign then usual for this time of year too...I’m guessing due to the dogs. I don’t know if I’ll have a chance to get out this coming weekend but will be headed to Kansas for several days the next!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
One camera batteries went dead. Other one has same bucks showing up. Still no daylight pics though. Of course the spot that was tore up is the one where the batteries went dead.
Well my next hunt won't be till the weekend. I'm thinning out some brush where my 12 and 10 are coming through. I'm thinking about leave that other buck I have on cam for another year. That 12 and 10 ...his bases are almost as big as the shed that was posted Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
So I have having a hard time being in a good mood today. I posted this in the rant thread earlier. So my wife tells me yesterday that our oldest boy has a chess tournament on Saturday Nov 10 from 8 am - 4 pm. And I have to be the one to take him because she doesn't want to keep the baby up there all day. This is after I told her we should go to the October tournament so we didn't have to do the November tournament. But we couldn't do that because the older boys had to go to the neighbor kid's birthday party. It wouldn't be so bad if we could actually watch the games, but no, idiot parents got into a fight over a freaking chess game a couple of years ago and now all the parents have to sit a different room from the kids while they play. 8 Hours of sitting in a room making small talk with parents I do not know while my kid competes in a tournament I can't watch. 52 Saturdays in the year and it has to be the one Saturday of the year I ask to have for myself. I won't be able to hunt the first Saturday of November because my wife has a conference that day to keep her teaching license.
Yeah bro that sucks. It’s just one day though, I know that doesn’t help but if you look at the big picture it’s not that bad. Your son will look back and remember you were there. Heck what if he wins are you weren’t there? He will definitely remember that as well. November 10 is also a long ways away and it could be pouring rain all day, who knows. Only suggestion I have is maybe to find a sitter for the baby? Or maybe you stay home with the baby.
Ouch! I was always going to my kids games/programs growing up, but an 8 hour chess tourney you can't even watch! That has to be brutal.
Yeah I’d definitely at least try to split it up into 2 shifts. You first, then her. Then you could hunt.
Except that the awards are given out at the end. Even if he doesn't win an individual award, odds are he will win with school team awards. His school almost always wins the team award. It is the first tournament this year and only the second tournament he has competed in. I don't think I will be getting out of this. I don't mind being there to support my son. I just wish we could actually watch. We only did one tournament last year at it was rough sitting there for an hour, not knowing how he was doing. Now, I will be sitting there wondering how he is doing while also being frustrated about not hunting.
Next hunt will be tomorrow morning and evening. Hopefully the bucks are as responsive as the other night. I have an itchy trigger finger! Sent from my SM-G892A using Forums mobile app
Checked some cameras, moved some stands and refreshed a lot of scrapes. Everything seems to be heating up nicely, even get some daytime railing action. Tonight should be a great sit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just got to the farm I’m hunting. Should be in the stand shortly. I’m taking my time, its a field edge so I’m not expecting much movement until right before dark.
Caleb is that the blind you’re hunting tonight? That’s a good buck. Is that one you have any history with?
Got to the stand a little later than I was wanting to get here but I'm on stand now and ready to put one down!!!!!