Augurcast it happens, that’s why I’m not a fan of mechanical heads, (fear of not opening) If I were to shoot mech type heads it would have to be like a hybrid. That slice is gnarly from the gravedigger!!
My next choice is going to be a 4 blade I tried the kill zones and the first one I shot it destroyed it..the damage from that gravedigger looks gnarly. The hammerheads usually do good but this new bow has so much more power than my other. I went fro a pse rogue MF to pse prophecy. 317 to 340 it's just awsome. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I had to rebuild it cause the guy who had it dry fired his words " like a moron" turns out the new hybrids don't do well with that. Had to put a new cam, limbs and pins and bushings. And then built new strings.did all the work myself ...what a bow Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I don't like the 4 blade cause you lose a lot of the penetrating power. I think the 2 blade is the best. Just my opinion though.
We are doing good. I'll be out this weekend. I hope to see a good buck as I can't shoot does here. If i dont get to go to the lease I'll be looking for a mule deer. Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk
I switched to Slick Tricks Magnums six years ago after bad experiences with a mechanical broadhead. Give those a look if you want a fixed blade. I have killed 10 deer with those and only had two rough recoveries, both my fault with bad shot placement. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Rage 2 blade here. I've used them ever since they came out and they make huge holes and I've never had 1 fail yet.
Just realized I havent shared a picture yet. Didnt go out tonight in order to maintain a decent level of brownie points that I'll cash in come rut. Sent from my SM-G955U using Forums mobile app
I use the Hyperdermics but I did have a buddy who broke one in half from one of my stands. Woulda been a great deer, he was at least 6 years old and although he lived at least a week after this shot based on cameras we never found his body and he never showed back up. Had a huge pussy gash in his neck too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Saw 2 deer right as it was to dark to shoot I think they bedded down 60 yards from my stand. Had to wait till dark to move out not bust them off. Also as I was sitting I thought I saw buzzers not sure what they were early to be my deer....or maybe not. Check tomorrow. As well as clear a ground blind for my kids to start hunting out of. Both of those big boy go right by it. Perfect cover. It's an old A frame chicken coupe someone built long time ago and it's still has mat all on the roof and the deer are used to it. Can wait. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
See I'm glade I did try to shoot that buck I'd would have been really bummed Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
This my first fail to open I think it cause I hit the shoulder blade...but it did go all the way through the other side and stopped at the fletches Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Had 2 small bucks pass right by me this morning so far. Saw 2 deer as well. One was a doe and the other was either a doe or small buck, not sure.