I’ll get em this morning at the processor. I already put my bow away last night when I realized I needed pics with me in em.
My public land scout went well yesterday. I hiked just under four miles. The river bottom section looked good on the west side of the river. The wind wasn't right to scout the east side. The river bottom is bordered by private land on to the west and south with a road to the north. Both pieces of private have some kind of crop planted. Not sure what. There is a big box blind in overlooking the crop field to the south. It is about 400 yards from property line with the public. The only approach to the river bottom on the west side of the creek is a gated road that is the property boundary between the public and private. It is about a 500 yard walk from the road on the north to the southern property boundary. I was hoping that I could set up in the tree line that borders the river bottom public and private on the south side. Unfortunately, the tree line was too overgrown with bushes right now. The online mapping made it look like it accessible. Maybe it will be later in the season when the leaves are down. Unfortunately, I would have had to trespass on the private to hunt that treeline last night. I did find several deer trails with tracks coming out of the river bottom along the west side, a couple of them had rubs on trees where the trails came out of the river bottom. Unfortunately, this river bottom is mostly waist high grass and small trees. Mainly 5-10 year-old oaks that are way too small to get into with a tree stand. It did look like further into the bottom there were trees big enough for a stand but it was too flooded to get in there. I am thinking that deer moved out of the bottom to higher ground on the private land with all the rain from Saturday. It looks like it will be a good spot later on when it is colder and dry. The mosquitoes were bad and it looked like a hot bed for cotton mouths until the weather cools off a little more. I can't imagine there deer staying down there when it rains substantially. It will need to be dry and cold in order to hunt it. I will probably have to hunt it with a ground blind. The ridge top I scouted did not look as promising. From online scouting, I had marked a couple spots that looked good for setting up a stand. I didn't see any deer sign until I was halfway between the second and third stand sites, about 600-800 yards from the parking. I did find one rub and a possible bed. Hopefully the sign will increase over the next month. The one advantage to the ridge is that it is the highest point on the piece of public. If the downpours continue, the deer should move up out of the bottoms on to it. It started pouring rain again in the middle of the night and doesn't look like it will let up for a couple of days, so any disturbance I made with my scent should be washed out quickly. My wife is out of town this coming weekend for a girls trip, making up for my being gone on the elk hunt. I won't be back out until the weekend before Halloween.
I really need to learn how to edit videos better. Hopefully I can piece together my buck and coyote videos and get them posted. I have never had a coyote Yelp as bad as the one last night did. I am sure every deer in the country heard this stupid thing. Had 4 or 5 of her buddies howling too Sent from my SM-G955U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
And heck I missed a big doe the night i killed my first coyote. She came in edgy and i shouldve aimed lower but instead i shot right over her when she ducked. It happens. And boy is it frustrating Sent from my SM-G955U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Great job on the deer down guys. I am starting to see the shooter bucks on camera again. Just need crops to keep coming out. 3 inches of snow on Sunday didn't help. I'm hunting Tuesday through Thursday with hopes of putting a doe down and a chance encounter of a shooter. After that I am busy with work until November 1 when I take off until the 12 hunting.
Good luck! If it was the weekend I would offer to come look, but with this rain and cloud cover it would be dark before I could get there.
The weeks are sad when I don't get to hunt lol. I remember back when there was less responsbility I would hunt almost every day in october. Now that just isn't the case. At least I am making the most of the weekends so far.
I appreciate it man. I’m only gone have about 45 minutes of daycare best myself, but I’ve got to try. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Still stuck on shift boys. Im dying to get into a tree!!! Bucks are starting to respond to rattling here in kansas and my buddy killed an absolute stud this last weekend! 17 scoreable point on him. Not my deer, but hes a great buck Sent from my SM-G892A using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Just a few hours north of us. Goodluck man! Sent from my SM-G892A using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app