My son Trapper wanted to be in the picture but he wasnt too sure of the coyote. He kept asking "why did you shoot a dog?" Lol. My wife and I had to explain its wild and they are good to take out. That's number two on the year. I've never heard q coyote Yelp like this one did. It was insane. Sent from my SM-G955U using Forums mobile app
I think I may just tan the hide of this one. It's not the biggest coyote but it was a pretty coat. Sent from my SM-G955U using Forums mobile app
Kill em all! The only one I’ve shot had such a giant hole in it that I didn’t think the hide was worth saving. Got mine in the neck. Tell Spider-Man that those (dogs) kill all the baby deer. Congrats on the coyote, thats just as tough as killing a deer in my opinion.
So far we have a legit chance at winning this thing. If everyone gets a doe then it usually only takes a few good bucks and we already have one down. I think we have the team to make it happen this year.
Congrats everyone that has gotten a tag filled. Man this rain has me pinned down. I swear I'll be active soon lol Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk
I'm taking Monday night off. I'll be out Monday evening, Tuesday morning and evening, and Wednesday morning. Trying for another doe unless a big boy comes my way. Monday evening I'm going back to the one stand though cause we are getting that NW wind. I'll probably hold out there for a buck. The other spots I hit these next few hunts, the does better be careful cause I'm looking for some good backstraps!!!!!
Well guys last night didn’t end up with the outcome we had planned... My oldest daughter (10) was wanting to go hunting, which is great. She’s killed her first deer 2 years ago (doe) and has passed every doe since in hopes for her first buck. So we start getting ready to go, I pull her crossbow out of it’s case, and the red dot is dead...I had left it on. Well this weekend was a doe only weekend with a rifle, so I asked her if she wanted to just try for a doe, and she said yes. She took her rifle, and I grabbed my bow just Incase a buck did come out. 6:00 rolls around, and 2 spikes come into 14 yards of us. She can’t shoot a buck because me, and we have the perfect shot... We watch those 2 spar and hook a tree a little, and she loved it. They walk off and about 5 minutes later I spot another buck coming, bigger rack. It’s not one of the ones I was wanting to shoot, but she kept telling me to shoot it (she was so excited and seeing a deer shot even). He was a 2 year old 7 or 8 point. He comes by at 12 yards, and I shot while he was walking... Why I didn’t stop him I don’t know. Slightly quartering towards us but not to bad. Well I hit back of one lung and guts. I was sitting there so sick and she was so excited. I knew we had some storms coming thru, so I let him sit about 2 hours and then headed out with a dog to help track. No blood... Dog didn’t find anything... I stayed out there till it started lighting. No luck. I’m gonna head back out and grid search when I get home this evening but looks like I blew it guys. Luckily there is still a lot of season left and my trip to Kansas in a few weeks. Headed to Louisiana this coming weekend, so hopefully I can redeem myself. Just sick... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's okay man my first 2 shots at 20 this year where both misses. Not shaking . It happens. Was kind of embarrassed and didn't want tell anyone. But there it is no blood draw yet. I'm waiting till the rut for my buck hoping it hasn't been poached. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk