I got to my parking spot and saw 12 turkeys. Got to my stand and a deer was bedded down not too far away. It jumped up and ran off. Hoping that doesn't screw things up too much.
Took my climber and went to a new spot. Hunting around a bunch of oaks with tons of rubs. Good luck tonight guys! Hoping I have on enough clothes. Already cold. Not good.
I forgot how miserably uncomfortable the stand I'm sitting in is. I probably have 20 stands I can choose from but for whatever reason I have like 0 sets that are designed for a south wind. So im.tucked in on the corner of timber next to the field just hoping nothing walks out from the north Sent from my SM-G955U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Yeah, just had 8 hens go by. Then a huge doe and fawn came in from my down wind side and twice. Both times she didn't like it so they just walked off. At least she didn't blow.
Seen this little dude 3 times this season on all three sits on this property Sent from my SM-G955U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Stayed home tonight and carved pumpkins with my kids. The rain quit about 20 minutes ago. By the time I got to the public spot I wanted to hit there would only be 20 Minutes of legal light left. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Seen 7 so far. Thought I was going to smack a doe but the neighbor drove by on his four wheeler qnd scared them all away lol. The Joy's of hunting Sent from my SM-G955U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Saw 2 more around 6:30. Not positive but I think they were both does. Heard a lot of what sounded like chasing and crashing noises in the strip of woods about 50 yards straight out in front of me.
Who is all out today? I have to work this weekend so my next time I plan on getting out is Monday evening. Also Tuesday morning and evening, then Wednesday morning.
To be honest..I turned off my alarm and slept in lol. This happens to me especially when you have a buck at the taxidermist lol. I'll more than likely go out this evening again. Sent from my SM-G955U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app