Before he puts up the score. I’m gonna take a guess. Long tines and long main beams. I’ll say 137 6/8 But I hope I’m wrong and it’s 150!
Great jobs men!!! I’ll be out tomorrow evening. I haven’t decided if I’m going after a doe or hold out for a buck this hunt till next weekend when I’m in LA. I’m gonna guess 135 6/8 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Getting down soon. Have some errands to take care of. Taking the grandson back out in the morning. It will be his first morning hunt. Then I'm hunting Saturday evening.
What an evening! I am going to attempt to piece together the couple small videos I took while out hunting. Normally I have my camera arm mounted to the tree, a gopro mounted above me and a gopro on my bow. Instead I had deer underneath me from the moment I climbed in the tree until 15 minutes after dark when I was able to get out. I got in the stand around 4:15 and from about 4:18 on there were deer all over. Had a basket rack, then a spike, then another forker, two does walk by. Neither doe was close enough to shoot. Then there were two bucks sparing in the neighbors field by my buddy and I. They eventually split and one walked one way and one walked the other. Then had four does run under my buddy that I could see. Come to find out there was a big buck running around chasing after them which is interesting. The 12th deer that I saw was the buck that I shot. He came out of the neighbor's timber and was walking through some tall grass. By how the sun was hitting the grassy field, I could see his antlers shining as he walked across it. I used the range finder to identify 30 yard markers so I knew my range. Well he walked right by those and within 3 or 4 years of the tree. I had to swing around to the other side of the tree and he walked out and got popped. Arrow sunk in on the passenger side lung and wedged in to the driver side shoulder. He probably ran 60 yards and piled up. What a great way to start this young bow season and it'll go a long way on stocking up the freezer full of deer meat. Now to put down another buck or a doe to get that last 50 points!
First sit of the season I didn't see any deer. Those for me are few and far between but they do happen. I did see a nice buck when I got back to my vehicle and he was nearly in shooting range. So does that count as still not seeing any deer?
I love those kind of hunts. Action from start to finish. Sounds like it was an awesome evening. Looking forward to the video.
I think it was W/NW. How do you look that up? I tried finding previous days forecasts and it would only give me temperarures.
Happened to me multiple times. Congrats on the kills boys, great start to our season. Make sure to take 2 pictures of the animal from different angles AND include your bow. I’m guessing 131” to be conservative. I’ll be out a few evenings next week to try and get us an additional 50 points. Remember does are key to maximizing our score. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk