No he’s a bonafide 140” class shooter, that probably came out wrong. He’s the only scrape visitor we got excited about. Would be my best kill too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Anywhere I look on the ground by this stand, this is all I see. There are also 5 major rubs within 25 yards of my stand.
First deer just popped out. Can't tell what it is yet. Definitely moving earlier than they have been.
Doe for points! Good luck everyone, I am just getting ready to leave work myself. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
View from this evenings stand. I will keep yall posted!!! Sent from my SM-G892A using Forums mobile app
This small buck and doe are feasting on these acorns. They finally left the area. Hoping Monster 8 shows up now!!!!!
Is it just dead calm in the woods anywhere else? Absolutely no wind here Sent from my SM-G892A using Forums mobile app