Well everything that could go wrong this morning did.1 of the guys got up late then he about spilled coffee on my gear...he also ended up with seed ticks.. And it pour rain for about an hour while I was in the stand..was dry till it down poured. Oh and another guy that went forgot to put his broad heads back on his arrows..he only realized when he was in full draw on a monster. Oops so will try again tomorrow night. With all that out of the way..lol Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Yikes. Put today in the books and start over tomorrow. Sent from my SM-G955U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Hopefully my morning tomorrow will go better than that. Of course I only have myself to worry about though, lol.
Ok guys., be honest, how many of you have blown an opportunity at a deer cause you were on your phone? I just had a huge doe right out in front of me. But I was messing with my phone and I couldn't get a shot off cause I was caught off guard. At least I didn't spook them.
Never been busted on my phone but yesterday I was watching doe with my Binos in the beans out in front of me and all the sudden I hear a deer blow behind me. I turn and look over my shoulder and 3 were less than 20yds. Got my release clipped on and about the time I pulled it off the hanger they took off. Now they know my position. No other trees to get in either.
That sucks. Like I said earlier, at least i wasn't busted by them. There were 3. A big doe with a couple fawns.
I was caught off guard once a buck came in that I didn't hear. When I saw him I was able to get my hand in my bow an he saw me but just trotted off to 30 yards but while he was moving his head was turned away an I was able to get drawn back. So when he stopped an turned back to look it was to late lol. He made it 50 yards Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk
I’ve had deer sneak in on me quite often even though I feel my hearing so top notch. It’s all about the conditions. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Didn't see anything else this morning. Here are the 3 that came by me this morning. The bigger doe is the one in the back.
Here is a nice 9 point that just showed up on my cam. I'd like my grandson to get this one. It would make a nice first buck for him.
I have lost opportunities from being on my phone. I really try to keep it on my pocket. At least when it gets cold I really pay attention because I don't like my hands freezing.
OH we did. Wind not so good today. Stayed in the stand till it got to hot to sit 90. Nothing but a farmers cows. Quota is almost met...only cows left....call later to see how many. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Thursday evening may be a good one where I'm at in Ohio. It's suppose to rain and storm most of the day then just in time for the evening hunt it's suppose to stop. Think I'll be trying to get my grandson out. Should be a good evening hunt.
I head back home for Deer Camp 2018. My buddy and I camp out, hunt, tell stories, cook delicious food etc! I can't wait for the long weekend. Will pull camera cards that have been out for several weeks. Hoping to have some nice ones to share with the group!
Yeah I’m hoping the same. I don’t know about you but I’m tired of these south winds. All of my stands except for one are set up for North or West winds.
Deer Camp is my favorite, I can’t wait for this years. I’ll be attending 2 possibly 3. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Been there man. I had a nice buck come in right under me one day while i was on my phone. I make a point to stay off my phone during prime time now Sent from my SM-G892A using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Anyone getting out tomorrow? I'm going but I won't be hunting. I'll be there with my grandson who will be after his first deer.