I have my furbearers here in kansas. No worries man, i covered all the bases Sent from my SM-G892A using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Well I saw nothing in the stand. However I saw 2 doe on the way out. They blew and went...lol Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
So, yesterday, the story goes, I was in the stand well before daylight. I heard deer moving off in the distance in a number of different directions. I figured it would just be a matter of time. Daylight broke finally and all was fairly quiet. It was almost a 45 minutes after shooting light and I had my first sighting. I turned and looked behind me and saw a nice doe with a couple fawns. I had a clear shot but they were walking on through back to the bedding area and pretty much out of range. By this time I hung my bow up and sat back and was just watching all around when suddenly a group of does popped out of the brush to my left. They were quickly in range and now I had to try and reach and grab the crossbow with 5 sets of eyes in different locations possibly watching me. Had 2 on my left, 2 out in front and one on my right. After a wait of a few minutes, somehow they all were turned away at the same and I was able to reach and grab the crossbow. There were 2 fawns, a year and a half old, and 2 older does. I was hoping for a shot at the biggest of the older 2 and I nearly had one but she turned and was at a real steep quartering angle and I didn't feel comfortable with that shot. She then walked off into the brush. The 2nd of the bigger does did the exact same thing. But she turned and walked back my way again. She got to about 25 yards and was broadside. Only problem is there were a few branches and I could tell she was getting ready to leave the area. Her vitals had about a six inch window between the branches and I was confident I could make the shot. I took the shot and she bolted up the hill and I lost sight about fifty yards out but I heard some thrashing and then almost like a loud grunt/sigh sound then nothing so I figured she was down. I got down and picked up my grandson who didn't go with but said if I got one he wanted to help track it and drag it. This was his first time ever tracking a deer. Even though I knew this would be a pretty easy track job, every bit of experience is so valuable out in the deer woods. I let him lead the way. I showed him point of impact and he found blood and started tracking. He did most of it himself with a couple small assists from me. He talked about how awesome it was and exciting it was. I told him just think when you shoot your first one and we are tracking your deer. It's so awesome to see kids excited about things like this instead of the next big video game and things of that sort. Looking forward to more successful hunts this year and hearing stories like this from you guys!
Thanks for telling your story. Sounds like an awesome hunt and wonderful learning experience for your grandson. I decided not to hunt today and rest up. I only have 4 stands to hunt and I don’t want to burn them out before things get good.
Sat for the first time tonight. Saw 10 does but had no shots. Plenty of time left. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ill be in the stand nice and early tomorrow morning. Hitting the stand where my only 2 shootera are again Sent from my SM-G892A using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Unfortunately, I probably won't be back out til Thursday evening. I might possibly be able to sneak in a Tuesday morning hunt.
I probably won’t be hunting till next Sunday as well, might sneak out Thursday we’ll see. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Going to hunt elk here in Arkansas tomorrow hope I see something . Wouldn't mind the bear or one of the big bucks I saw. We got permanent permission for the property this year...woot Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Bulls were still bugling four days ago when my elk hunt ended. You should have a good chance at pulling one in if you know how to call.
Had my first sit on the year this morning! Absolutely beautiful. 60 degrees with no wind. Put in a short 1.5 hour hunt before work. Saw 7 total. two walked right underneath me but it was before legal shooting hours so on they went. Great first sit. Can't wait to see what the season brings.
I’ll be headed out this evening for another sit. High close to 80 here today with South winds. We had similar weather yesterday and although I didn’t hunt, I went and did some glassing and the deer were moving like crazy. Hoping for a doe today.
I started a thread recounting the elk hunt. There are too many stories to share, so I am doing a day-by-day format on it. https://forums.bowhunting.com/threads/alberta-amazes-again.94283/