I may go out to a bean field that these deer frequent and I'm going to try and get some video of some of these giants. If I get any of them on video, I will post some still shots.
Shooting Sticks 26 Telling myths 26 Direct hit 26 I dunno, not the best at names. Just was rhyming with 26. I have zero preference on a team name, just my contribution to a name.
It would be cool to build a team name around something that we all have in common. It seems like everyone on the team is from either the Mid-West or the South. How about the "Mid-South Monsters" or "Mid-South Buck Slayers" or "Mid-South Monster Buck Slayers?"
We gotta make sure our team name is good enough for the next few years, I seriously plan on making a run at first place this year. I’ve never been on a team that finished in the top 5. Does everyone have the ability to take a doe and a buck? As far as captain, I’ve been here since the beginning and been involved in a lot of contests and I also spend a good amount of time on here during the fall but I don’t mind if someone else wants to step up and be the captain, less on my plate that way. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You got some slammers Shawn, looking forward to some screen shots! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
When you get a chance, post up your setup and I’ll post up mine, your gonna love filming man! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm good with you being captain. A doe is no problem. A buck is no problem. However, a buck I want to shoot might be a different story. With that said I believe this year will be one of my best years. Years past I'd have 2 or 3 bucks I wanted to shoot. This year of course there are my first choices, but I'm guessing on the 2 properties I hunt I've got 10 to 12 bucks 140 plus. I really think it's going to be a great year. I've been working hard these past 10 years and I'm really starting to see it pay off with several nice bucks.
I’m good for a doe and a buck, trying to hold out for a couple of the 150’s I’m chasing in Ohio and I have some 130-140’s in Pa that are showing up all over the farm. Also might get lucky in KY early in the year. I just hope the first buck I shoot is the biggest ! That’s if I’m fortunate enough to kill one at all ! Also I’m good with Siman as Cap
I should be good for a doe. The two private pieces I have access to this year are both new pieces to me so I am not sure of buck quality. Finding a buck I want to kill may be a question mark for me but I shouldn't have a problem getting a doe.
How is Holland Bottoms? I haven’t tried there. Usually, if I hunt public land I go somewhere close enough I am not go e all day. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
It’s my least favor place to be honest. There is some good deer in there if you’re willing to walk for them, but you have to deal with crackheads. They have been well known to break into your vehicle if you park in the south end and dope dealers/smokers at the lake parking. Last time I hunted it was several years ago. I found a crack pipe walking in on the lake levee. Killed a deer that evening but never went back. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's where I'm at my big boys are even nicer this year.post pic as soon as I get them. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk