Shawn that 8 looks to be mid 130’s, hard to tell in velvet. Nice set of strings, the process of making strings is pretty awsome, had a local guy that used to make em.
Them are some beauty's. hope I'm so lucky opening morning and it the 22 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I went out to get some video at the big bean field last night and I didn't see anything til about 10 after 8. Light was getting low and video quality was poor. I may try again on Thursday. It should be 15-20 degrees cooler.
Lol. Yeah that’s the last step. I’ve found the best way is to brush it in then get inside to trim the shooting holes.
I took the day off to make it a longer weekend with the holiday, just got to Ohio. Gonna pull my cams and hang a few more stands. Let y’all know if I get anything good on cam