I’m confused, looking back i do not see your name either, I assumed by your joining in on our thread that you were placed on team but it appears you are not a member of this team. There is an alternate sign up in the main section of the 2018 Bowhunting.com Tournament page where you can sign up as an alternate. Good luck this year! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I thought the same thing about @Augurcast. He should sign up as an alternate if the deadline has not passed.
Thank you Neb for changing the thread name. We’re looking good boys. Time to upload the avatar to your profiles. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So, apparently, the defending champs have 12 on their team while most of the other teams only have 10 or 11. We currently have 10 on our team.
If they can’t increase our numbers through alt sign ups I’m sure they will factor in a handicap. But that still gives them an advantage I believe. We’ll see how it shakes up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
@Augurcast signed up as an alternate. I left a note for the admin to see if he could be added to our team since he already thought he was. Not sure if they will do it or not.
Because of fairness I doubt it, but we’ll see how it shakes up. Plenty of time to work it out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This This is my fourth year in the contest. The winners and top finishing teams are always the teams where everyone contributes a doe. Only about half of us have to kill bucks to have a chance at winning, IF we all kill does.
You guys are both correct. We need 10 does across the board as a good starting point. Hopefully i have mine down in the first few hunts in October and I can focus on a buck. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't always have the chance to take a doe as on. My lease we can only shoot bucks but I get 2 every year so my second buck has always been my doe Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk