You may check your string to an make sure nothing has stretched Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk
Take your D loop and while holding your bow string twist both the top and bottom of the D loop the opposite way the peep is twistin, do it a lil then draw back. And keep doing it till your peep lines back up when you draw, more than likely your string stretched a lil. This is how I fixed that in the past, you could also take your peep off and rotate it 180* or add twist to your string. But that’s way more invoked than moving ya D loop.
A metal D would help...I'm was having similar issues but it because of new strings. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Definitely cause more movement to remove and add twists.are these new strings? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Is the peep served in? The serving could be wearing out. Or, have you had a new string put on recently? Could be string stretch.
Went out yesterday and hung a few new stands in an urban area by my house, saw a big 10 while I was there he looked over 130” hard to tell in velvet tho. Driving into work this morning my vehicle reads 51* it’s getting me fired up!
I love boating, Heat is good butt it’s alkost freaking hunting season! If we have another warm November I may cry.
61* here seen fields full on the way into work. Saw a buck or 2 in the group. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
We had a cool spell this week with temps in the low 80s for highs. Unusual for this time of year. This weekend is back up to mid 90s, gross. The culture and people in south are cool. The weather sucks. I am not from the south originally, I miss having four different seasons that are not hot, hotter, hotter still, and Satan's rectum.
I usually do but tried going out in 5-7 footers today... Didn’t go so well for me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk