Pretty good day over here guys. Went to the bow shop. Got my arrows refletched. I 5 of them were not fletched at all and I wanted the other 2 to match. While there, shot a few arrows down the range, was shooting great. Then I came home and worked on some calls for a bit. Made my personal best so far. The pics don't do it justice.
Well men, its really hot, the wind isnt perfect. But im in a tree. Things would have to be perfect for me to shoot tonight as it would be a long hot drag!
Sept 13th in Wisconsin. I start my bear hunt tomorrow. Hopefully I have my bear tag filled so I can start deer hunting. Good Luck to everyone. Go Team 26!!
Ah man that sucks. Much damage? I saw one get hit by a semi in front of me this morning. It wasn't going fast enough to squish it, but it gave it a pretty good smack. It didn't look like it was going to make it but I won't know until after work.
Sorry that I have been absent the last couple days. Was helping on a friends farm. Should get out opening weekend. Hoping to lay down a doe.
Checked a few of my cameras. Still have two properties I haven't checked yet. I hope they show more than these. So far not much to get excited about....but here are a few up and comers....ok., I am being a smart ***. I will shoot the first one of these that gives me such an opportunity except for the last one, and he better be careful if the mood strikes me. PICT6897 by mhcti, on Flickr PICT4243 by mhcti, on Flickr PICT3586 by mhcti, on Flickr EK002123 by mhcti, on Flickr EK001531 by mhcti, on Flickr
Holy blood bath!!! Nice Buck jackflap! I have some cams soaking, will pull Monday as it will be 2 weeks!
I'm heading out tonight to put up some trail cams, late, but I'm pretty sure I'll have some good pictures within the week. Sep. 27th is coming fast. I close on my new house on the 16th and in between college and work I am tapped out lately.
Haha, I actually cussed out loud when i read your comment and opened a new tab to start researching Texas deer hunting. Those guys are studs. I really hope you can get on one!
Passed up a doe at 20 yards last night as it was getting dark and I wasnt 100percent it wasnt a spike. But at least im on some deer! Ill be out tomorrow! Hope to get us on the board!
I have the second week of November off to deer hunt. After that it will just be weekends. The few weekends before my Nov week off will be down on the Jackson / Washington county border (that comment is for Crick) on Hoosier National land, but entering through private. It's great bow season hunting, but once shotgun comes, all the neighbors flood in and it's a sea of orange in the woods. I actually had a guy walk up to about 30 yards from my tree last year. No idea I was there. Wearing orange. No gun. He looked hugely confused. I'm hoping the 125" I let pass last year lived and comes walking back through. It'll be game over on that guy.
Pretty excited to get a full day of football in. The girlfriend is going to be pissed when I spend it in the barn working on duck calls all afternoon though! haha
Im planning on going out tomorrow for the first time this season. Its going to be in the low 60s (the coldest its been in a while) so im hoping the "cold" will get the deer moving.