This is my fourth year in the contest. I hunt both public and private, moved to Wisconsin in the off season so looking forward to the season. Been seeing some good bucks and will admit I'm a trophy guy so I'll put down something nice or eat tag soup.
That's how I've been in the past, but I'm over it. I'm ready to put a deer on the ground. I'm not going to shoot just anything, but if it's borederline, it's going to take a dirt nap.
KDORSETT12 checking in. My name is Kevin and I hunt Florida and Georgia. Second year in the contest and I've got a good feeling about this year!
I've got a feeling I need to come down and shoot a hog! We don't have them up here... yet... my buddy that sits next to me has some on one of their farms in southwest Indiana but that's all.
As mentioned before I hunt NE Wisconsin. I hunt 60 private acres, 40 farm field, 20 wooded with 5 acres of dense cedars we make our "sanctuary". I hunt with my nephew. He has permission to shoot anything. I'm a little more picky. We have a few real nice deer showing up, let's hope it stays that way. I got my first bear kill tag so I have been concentrating of bear baiting but after I get one, it'll be all whitetail. Good luck to everyone! Don't know if this name's been used before: "Rack Addict"
Hey team Crick checking in! Im so pumped for the season. Im in southern IN pike co and hunt a 800 acre lease! Im good with anyone that wants capt duties. I would rather not as alot of my time goes into mod duties checking threads! Lets win this thing!
Now since we are all signed in I guess we should vote for captain. I guess you guys can pm me your votes unless you guys have a better way of doing things (this is only my first year so I don't know your formats for things.)
Hey crick, I'll be spending time in ohio county. I live in Shelby county. Also, I'll be hunting on the border of Jackson and the next county to the west in hoosier national. I'm thinking about going in on a lease in Switzerland county that's 900 acres. Not so sure since I have so many other opportunities.
How's the hunting down there crick? I've often wondered. It's too far from my neck of the woods. It takes an hour and a half to get to the Jackson county property.
Haha, then you guys figure it out between yourselves. I'm more worried about a cool team name. That's always the biggest time consumer I've seen. Again, to who is captain I have a cool spreadsheet to help us with scoring. I can send it after you guys figure it out.
We have some Big Deer but the type of terrain here can be brutal! Alot of old strip mine ground! The Hoosier area has some brutal hilly terrain but hey, bucks love the stuff!!
Team 26 )))-------> What's everyone shooting this season? Finally got my faktor turbo set up and tuned. She's set at 67 pounds 28 draw length shooting my Easton axis that weigh in at exactly 400 grains at 294 fps. Absolutely love it. Waiting for my carbon stabilizer to come in the mail and she will be finished.
Bow is looking good Max! Here is my mathews xtreme. It's 70# and 28". Currently I have the maxima reds, but I've been using the axis a lot more. They bot shoot about the same so I think come time for new arrows I'm going to go with the axis. Mine also weigh in right at about 400 grains.
Oh yeah, I forgot all about the strip mining down there. My best friend growing up has family in that immediate area. We used to take our quads down there. That is some pretty rough terrain.
I hunt public land here in Iowa, can't afford the prices they're asking to lease and don't know any farmers around that allow hunting on their land. This will be my third year doing this contest and it's been fun every year. As for team name here's a couple I came up with: Heart Stoppers RackMasters The captain issue is up to you guys, just know somebody's gotta do it. Don
Team name idea: "The league of extraordinary bow hunting gentlemen". "Twits". I will be a little more active in here soon, I just started my second semester of college. I'm 30 and have never taken a class. It has consumed a lot of my time on the computer.